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A Step perhaps to a solution to both the Two Slit Experiment and Zeno's Paradox


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First a summary of previous thoughts...

Since the time of Albert Einstein it is well known that space and time are related and can be considered together as a 4D Space-time. The assumption was when Einstein formulated his equations that there are 3 Spatial dimensions plus 1 temporal dimension of Time. But what is Time in this context? Einstein's Time is all about the abandonment of universal simultaneity of separate events. Different observers in different reference frames will disagree on the order of events they observe. He gives an example of lightning striking two ends of a train at the same time while those on board see the lightning strikes do not occur at the same time. Special Relativity and General relativity perfectly explain how the universe works on the large scale and wheire motion is close to the speed of light. Unfortunately the Quantum theory of the very small does not obey the same rules and appears very weird.

No body can explain the famous Two slit experiment that quantum physics is based on. However I am going to give my explanation to the puzzle. First I will try and give an explanation to an ancient puzzle of Zeno. Zeno says motion is impossible for if an arrow if fired it must reach half the distance before it reaches its destination and then half that distance again ad infinitum .. It never gets started. Ok here goes with my explanation.

Although Time is intrinsically connected to the 4th dimension, I propose the Time dimension is also a very large spatial one too,although very few people can imagine this as we can not easily move within it. A dimension is a direction, where we apply coordinates and can move in that direction or in the opposite direction. All three known dimensions are known because the standard unit length is used. If we abandon the unit length as a fixed quantity and use our minds to see 'out of the box' Hopefully I can very simply show you the forth spatial dimension or 'direction'if you like. We have all seen the star field generators screen savers on our pcs . Ok forget 'length' and view the white Pixels apparently moving towards you. We can imagine coasting in a particular direction and if we speed it program up, it appears as though we are accelerating, and if we close out eyes imagine we have turned around open them and observe,we can then imagine traveling in the opposite direction.Now these directions obey the rules of motion.. (well except remember we can't use the unit length like the meter for the extra direction).Bare with me here,and just use your imagination, the first dimension or direction of freedom is Forward and Backwards. 2nd Up and Down 3rd is Left and Right and the 4th is... In and Out.

Can you imagine zooming inwards or panning back forever as a direction? This direction should also experience similar effects as in Special Relativity.

Ok so to recap space-time is 4D and has 4 Spatial directions with the new one being In and Out. Time is related to length/scale

Lets return to Zeno arrow paradox.Instead of an arrow we'll have a point. This point is Not infinitely small and has a finite size for it must remain in my reference frame. For if it was infinitely small it would be travelling in the forth spatial dimension of IN at an ever increasing rate. Any object that moves away from my reference frame will suffer length contraction and time dilation. So Zenos arrow or my finite sized object initially stays fixed to my reference frame. Therefore both the object and me are experiencing the same rate of Time. The feel of Time is a consequence of both me and the object feeling negative motion, ie the universe is expanding away from us.In order to observe motion of the object to move after a force is applied it must appear to me to length contract and have its Time slowed. The amount of motion is directly balanced to any offset of change in rate of Time and Length. The object now has Its own reference frame that is out of sync with mine... The object moves. All motion even at low speeds requires length and Time to change.

Note after the acceleration of both the object and me are still at rest in their own reference frames. If you are in Train and you drop your phone does it not fall straight down as though you are at rest?Constant Motion is indeed an illusion.


Two slit experiment:

Ok let this object above in Zenos paradox be a Photon, because as we know light is always constant to our are reference frames.

The Photon has no mass, lets say for now that it is relative to me and does not move in ANY direction. However if the Photon oscillates in the 4th spatial dimension of IN and OUT then something amazing happens.

During the part of the cycle that the Photon moves IN its mass increases and it becomes an Electron. This is like an Atom absorbing a photon. As we continue through the cycle the Photon appears again in my reference as a particle and has no mass. Further through the cycle we can no longer observe directly because as the Photon moves into the Out direction it moves at a faster rate of Time than I can observe and spreads out like a wave. Then further in the cycle it slows down and I observe it again as a Photon before it collapses into an electron again.

What! I here you cry. Yes events in the near future have already occurred before we can experience them!

I suggest light is propagated in this fashion in free space.Continually oscillating between the Time slowed Electron a Photon and Light as a wave in our near future.

Of course we can not observe anything in the future because the Wave function that describes the wave collapses.

What of electrons around Atoms? We observed them and feel their effects because they orbit the nucleus of an atom and are therefore under continual acceleration. Consequently they are offset from our reference frames in the IN direction and therefore possess a Mass.Mass being confined energy slowed in Time.

Edited by DarkStar8
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"No body can explain the famous Two slit experiment that quantum physics is based on."


I don't agree. What happens in a two slit experiment is well described by quantum physics. I don't see your explanation provides any additional or indeed necessary insight.

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I read through the whole thing, And while i think you actually are thinking which is good, Your idea doesn't' make much sense, I really cant be bothered pointing out the mistakes i noticed as their are quite a few and even I dont know too much about quantum mechanics.

You really made this quite complicated.

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