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How to measure the scope of my data?


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Hi all,


In my work we have to run tests whose input parameters are in 3 dimensions, forming lines across a grid, like so:



What I want to know is, what is the best way of quantifying the spread of these lines?

If I were to use the extreme points to plot a cuboid I think that would overestimate the parameter space over which the experiments were run. I have also considered calculating the convex hull, using the extremes but I feel this might also lead to the same problem, albeit with a smaller overestimation.

I need to demonstrate that the lines are well spaced out from one another, perhaps by the angles between the lines.


Is there already a way of quantifying these types of things?


I'd really appreciate some help with this, it's a bit of a teaser for me with my limited maths abilities.


Thanks in advance




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just guessing...


But it seems your points are on three lines converging at a point (17.5,1,3) - you could work out the volume constrained by the three planes that these lines define as a ratio of the maximum volume for this converging situation which would, as you mention, be the rectangular prism that contains all points.


Alternatively - two lines which converge will always lie on a single plane, so you could simplify to 3 comparisons of two variables in two dimension a|b a|c b|c


I am sure there is a way of producing a simple quantification of spread - hopefully someone will swing by who, unlike me, knows what they are talking about

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