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Essay on Time and Entropy


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Here's another quick essay:

Time flows in one direction and it is associated with the concept of entropy because entropy also tends to flow in one direction.

Entropy is a measure of disorder within a system - consider that at the beginning of the Universe, before the Big Bang, the Universe was in a state of perfect order. Therefore it had no entropy. Following the big bang however, the universe has been moving towards a state of disorder and increased entropy.

The motion from order towards disorder implies the proliferation of randomness/equilibrium (i.e. the equal probability of finding a particle at any position within a system).


In the end, the universe will reach a state of perfect disorder, equilibrium, and randomness. Therefore time flows into the future towards randomness.

A good example of entropy/randomness is this: Imagine throwing an ordered stack of playing cards into the air - they will land in some random configuration - there is only one possibility that they land in the same order, and millions (billions) of possibilities that they land in different orders.

When unforced by the minds of intelligent beings, things become randomized by time. For example, material objects break down and decompose; however when events are governed by intelligent minds, the opposite happens, things become ordered and sustain their arrangements for larger periods of time.


Imagine that disorder, entropy, and time are part of a single stream that pushes against everything in the universe, like a river.

This idea of keeping things ordered, is synonymous with fighting against a stream of disorder (time). The way to battle back against disorder and time, is to create relationships, communicate information, and produce acceleration.


Lets examine a mass, that is not necessarily ordered by intelligent minds, like a planet.






0 - larger mass (planet) ---->


o - smaller mass (rock) ------------>



A planet is a large mass, and like all masses, it is pushed by the stream of time. In my paradigm, its large mass is pushed by time, however it is pushed more slowly across it, than say a smaller mass like a rock. I.e. a river will push little objects downstream faster than larger objects.

As time flows across the mass, a circular gravitational well around it is created. (meaning there is no spatial direction from which time flows - it flows from all directions)

As a mass is moved downstream, it approaches the 'future' at a faster rate than the larger mass.

So what is the future you might be asking? The future is a state of disorder and randomness, one where the object has been broken down and no longer exists as the object it once formed.

Since acceleration is equivalent to a gravitational well (which leads to physical time dilation), it could be also said that acceleration, in any direction, is another means to fight against the flow of time. So mass and acceleration are the two ways to push back against the stream.

Time dilation occurs between different systems moving at different speeds (and different masses). A footprint in time lessens as the footprint in space increases, causing time dilation.

In the view of this stream of time, time dilation is the effect of fighting against the flow of time and a particle like the photon could be considered to stay still as time flows by it. All other masses are pushed by time to some degree, while the photon is not pushed. Note that when a photon travels slightly slower than the speed of light, as a result of scattering, it could be said that it was slightly nudged by time because of its connection to some mass.


Now, to examine 'abstract time dilation', and masses that contain abstract mass as a function of their complex arrangement created by living minds:





0 - highly complex mass (human) ---->

o - less complex mass (fly) ------------>





In abstraction, the flow of time is re-interpreted from a flow towards randomness, into a flow towards death.



death = randomness


Therefore moving into the future faster than something else, is equivalent to approaching death at a faster rate. Systems that move downstream will appear to 'die'. Systems that stay upstream appear to survive and be 'successful'.


Living beings are constantly shifting their motion and speed between upstream and downstream. And the motion is correlated to their management of complex arrangements of relationships.


Relationships = mass (abstract)


Abstract mass has the same effect of normal mass - It makes it more difficult to push objects downstream by time.


Therefore, a human will appear to live longer than a fly, simply because it has a combination of physical and abstract mass that keeps it from being pushed down river (of time).


And the same analysis can be applied to any organization, including countries, governments, species, tech devices, etc.



I also believe that abstract mass can be used to explain dark matter. Essay on this coming soon.

See essay on abstract time dilation for more detailed information: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/73965-essay-on-motion-and-time-dilation/


See essay on complex arrangement for more info: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/73983-essay-on-complex-arrangement-and-energy/




Jason Shaw




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