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Using data from the Nazis


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Yeah I understand what you're saying, I just don't really agree.


1) Because no matter how ti is used, it's going to be known that they're using the data. The data itself shouldn't be anything special - just the fact it's originating frmo the nazis' experiments are going to create the media zoo, which will get it to people's minds and would likely create what I was saying, and


2) Even if its only in the science community, it's enough to be given SOME sort of legitimization. and


3) If it doesnt contain any "sensational" data anywys, then its my opinion that this data can be aquired in other - more ethical - ways.



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By the way, as I've written before in my last few posts in this thread, I don't deny the fact that my opinion might be based largely on the fact that this is a very close-to-heart subject.


However, we *are* talkin about ethical matters here, so the fact I am close to it only gives me an extra "ethical" view, I think.


I don't know if you've read my first post in this thread but you might want to take a look, it's explaining my INITIAL thoughts about the subject... might shed some light on why I am saying what I .. am saying.


The first post is here:




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Not in my opinion.


I think I've already answered that.. I don't see any new point you're making here. You should perhaps read my other posts, for if I explain my view here in this one it would look PRECISELY the same.



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no no no


It would hurt the CAUSE.


And yes, it would also hurt the people and their families, but my point is that I think it would hurt the entire cause. If you use the information (which, I already said you don't HAVE TO it's better to get it again ANYWAYS it's not unique data) you give *even by little* legitimization for the entire process of TAKING those tests and results and such.


So yes, it would hurt the people. Not the RESEARCH. The DATA from that NAZIs.



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And I seriously lost you man.


I am saying "It would be wrong in my opinion" and yu say "ah. So it would be right".


You have frustrated me officially.



~one frustrated moo

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-Demosthenes- said in post # :

No, if scietist used the research then other scientist would think it was okay to do that kinda research.

Now I'm confused.


But I have skimed your posts, and I think I understand them.


This has gone down the crazy hole.


Skimmed? Please, the subject demands more effort than that.

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I agree I just noticed I fell into it myself... anyone has a rope?













(That was a suggestion to close the topic if no one understood it... ;) )















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