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How to become a good programmer?


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Programming can be different, you can write drivers or you can create websites, or games etc. But, I would like to collect tips that could be used by any programmers from different areas of programming, some universal tips.


Two most important things that programmers should know is english and math ( elementary, at least ).


Also I know that if you want to write a really good program you should design it well. Can you give some good books about programs design?


And of course you need a lot of practice to become a professional.


"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes, wich can be made, in a very narrow field." © Niels Bohr.


Thats all I know.

Enjoy the conversation, please.

Edited by dolbygaba
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Immerse yourself with making your programs the best you can possibly make them. Try doing a lot of practice exercises. Maybe you'll feel like throwing on your headphones, eating some hash browns (leave the bowl at your desk :P), cracking open a lot of soda cans and tirelessly hacking at code. Go with that if you want to, whatever is natural and lets your pupils dilate over the required duration of eight hours. Any questions?


I'm sort of joking, but expect something like that to happen.


For larger and more serious projects which you hope to complete, just keep programming and scrap/rewrite as you go. Of course its good to plan things out, but don't plan too heavily unless you fully understand the components you must integrate (discrete prototypes already written). If you have no idea what's going to happen, go back to experimenting and practice.


Good luck.

Edited by Ben Bowen
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