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Rain hypothesis in Iran


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Rain hypothesis in Iran

It is the idea/hypothesis, how to increase rain in Iran

Too difficult make contact to Iran people and government. Will any body want to help me to forward and sent to Iran people and government


The basic question. What reason, low rain on Saudi Arabia & Iran ?


1. I think, not about position (northern, or western).

2. They have much water evaporation resource, because near from sea

3. Topography?....I don't think so...much mountain and hill on Iran

so what ???


If true, rain happen on the sea, it's mean after water evaporation from the sea will laid down (as rain) back again on their own sea

The other question; why they(much water evaporation) not laid down (as rain) on Saudi Arabia or Iran ??? (See attached file)


Depending on data from the people and government of Iran: higher rain intensity on vegetation area

My prediction are concentration between oxygen(O2) Carbon dioxide(CO2) on the air is ones reason. The forest is producer oxygen (O2) from Carbon dioxide (CO2)


Will any body or dept, or country want to help me to relocate data from other country or location and make correlation between vegetation concentration/population and rain intensity?

I have just on Iran.


Good luck for Iran people and Government



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Rain hypothesis in Iran

It is the idea/hypothesis, how to increase rain in Iran

Too difficult make contact to Iran people and government. Will any body want to help me to forward and sent to Iran people and government


The basic question. What reason, low rain on Saudi Arabia & Iran ?


1. I think, not about position (northern, or western).

2. They have much water evaporation resource, because near from sea

3. Topography?....I don't think so...much mountain and hill on Iran

so what ???


If true, rain happen on the sea, it's mean after water evaporation from the sea will laid down (as rain) back again on their own sea

The other question; why they(much water evaporation) not laid down (as rain) on Saudi Arabia or Iran ??? (See attached file)


Depending on data from the people and government of Iran: higher rain intensity on vegetation area

My prediction are concentration between oxygen(O2) Carbon dioxide(CO2) on the air is ones reason. The forest is producer oxygen (O2) from Carbon dioxide (CO2)


Will any body or dept, or country want to help me to relocate data from other country or location and make correlation between vegetation concentration/population and rain intensity?

I have just on Iran.


Good luck for Iran people and Government


Learn about the ITCZ, the InterTropical Convergence Zone, and its influence on rainfall and the band of desert climates around 30 degrees latitude.


The ITCZ was farthest south during the Little Ice Age, and it is now as far north as it was during the Medieval Warm Period. Will it continue moving northward as the globe continues to warm? The ITCZ largely determines at what latitude rains will fall, and where desert climates will trend, on a global scale; and explains Saudi Arabia & Iran.


With a warmer planet, the atmosphere holds more water vapor; but the warmth prevents rain from forming as easily as it did in the past cooler climate. Now, wherever it is cooler (whether from large forests, mountains, or other local conditions) is where the rains will form to release that increased atmospheric water vapor.


So in general, after accounting for latitudinal/ITCZ changes in rainfall, wet areas will get wetter and dry areas will get drier. But a warmer world creates lower soil moisture, so the rains don't soak in as well and leads to increased runoff and flooding--especially if rain events are less frequent and/or more intense.


Move north 400-700 miles to find more rain and soil moisture in the future. ;)



p.s. Forest effects (from moisture and albedo/temperature changes) affect the local climate much more than any O2/CO2 effects coming from a forest.

Edited by Essay
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Learn about the ITCZ, the InterTropical Convergence Zone, and its influence on rainfall and the band of desert climates around 30 degrees latitude.


The ITCZ was farthest south during the Little Ice Age, and it is now as far north as it was during the Medieval Warm Period. Will it continue moving northward as the globe continues to warm? The ITCZ largely determines at what latitude rains will fall, and where desert climates will trend, on a global scale; and explains Saudi Arabia & Iran.


With a warmer planet, the atmosphere holds more water vapor; but the warmth prevents rain from forming as easily as it did in the past cooler climate. Now, wherever it is cooler (whether from large forests, mountains, or other local conditions) is where the rains will form to release that increased atmospheric water vapor.


So in general, after accounting for latitudinal/ITCZ changes in rainfall, wet areas will get wetter and dry areas will get drier. But a warmer world creates lower soil moisture, so the rains don't soak in as well and leads to increased runoff and flooding--especially if rain events are less frequent and/or more intense.


Move north 400-700 miles to find more rain and soil moisture in the future. ;)



p.s. Forest effects (from moisture and albedo/temperature changes) affect the local climate much more than any O2/CO2 effects coming from a forest.




Thank you for information

If temperatur ( by forest) have effect to rain intensity, so develop forest is the way to increase rain intensity ???

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There are other ways to find water. Look at Gaddafi's Great Manmade River, an inspiring work for other countries like Saudi Arabia. See this article about scientists searching for ancient aquifers. there are also the Qanats of Iran which show that there is underground water and that people there are inventive.


As for rain, I am afraid it is not yet on the human scale to influence climate at will.




Your pdf is unclear to me. You need to expand your ideas.

Edited by michel123456
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There are other ways to find water. Look at Gaddafi's Great Manmade River, an inspiring work for other countries like Saudi Arabia. See this article about scientists searching for ancient aquifers. there are also the Qanats of Iran which show that there is underground water and that people there are inventive.


As for rain, I am afraid it is not yet on the human scale to influence climate at will.




Your pdf is unclear to me. You need to expand your ideas.




Thank you

Ofcourse I need expand my idea, but I need other data, support person, research, especially about rain posibility, etc.

I have no money for...


Any body will help me, support me, atleast forward and sent the idea to Iran goverment. I hope Iran interest about the idea

Thank you

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There are other ways to find water. Look at Gaddafi's Great Manmade River, an inspiring work for other countries like Saudi Arabia. See this article about scientists searching for ancient aquifers. there are also the Qanats of Iran which show that there is underground water and that people there are inventive.


As for rain, I am afraid it is not yet on the human scale to influence climate at will.




Your pdf is unclear to me. You need to expand your ideas.




water resources for all of ground water on the world is starting from run off

No additional resources trough into ground, or consumption bigger than input, so will be finish

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water resources for all of ground water on the world is starting from run off

No additional resources trough into ground, or consumption bigger than input, so will be finish



But you can put that into calculations: in Libya, the aquifer , which is not renewed, is supposed large enough to last substantialy. See wiki.


The fossil aquifer from which this water is being supplied is the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System. It accumulated during the last ice age and is not currently being replenished. If 2007 rates of retrieval are not increased, the water could last a thousand years.
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But you can put that into calculations: in Libya, the aquifer , which is not renewed, is supposed large enough to last substantialy. See wiki.





Yes, I would say watering the trees could be the biggest problem where there is not adequate rain fall. Another potentially serious problem is the lack of top soil. Not all dirt is the same. If a mountain is deforested, the top soil is washed away and then no amount of rain will make trees grow. Rebuilding a forest could require many steps. Some trees need more water than others, and some trees grow higher up the mountain than others. If you are serious about mobilizing people to reforest mountains you need to learn about trees, and to then you can give a people a plan. For example, collect leaf and vegetable waste and compost it on the mountain, then grow a drought resistant grass in it to hold it to the ground. Building the soil into a sponge that will hold water. Then plant brushes, and so on until there is enough soil for trees.


I can not think of a better thing to do than to reforest the planet. I am fortunate to have many tree lined paths to walk, and the difference in temperature between shaded areas and standing in the sun is quite amazing.


We have learned more about the needs of creatures in and around our rivers, and have begun planting trees along the rivers, because the shade and cooling the water is so important to all the life forms. It is allowed to cut down trees without permission, and people are fined if they do.


We weren't always so mindful of our trees, but a small group of people learned of the importance of trees and they protested in the streets whenever trees would cut down. Some lived in trees as a form of protest, to stop big timber companies from cutting them down. Others convinced the government that a species of owls had to have old growth forest, so the government said we had leave enough trees for the owls. There is always conflict between the timber industry and those who love nature. Or in poor counties between people's need for fuel and nature. It can a lot of work to spread information and motivate people to take action, and create laws to protect forest.

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Desertification is a complex issue, and fighting over it is very often synonym of fighting against common human activities. For example if you want to introduce back arable land, you must forbid by law livestocks and most especially sheeps and goats. Nomads don't accept these kind of governmental indications, so you must eradicate the nomads first. IOW you must fight the poor of the poor in order to help the poor of the poor. Things are not easy.


The idea of bringing rain is very noble and don't interfere with that kind of problematics. It would be a blessing if it worked. Just as a reminder that the entire planet is not blessed, only a small part of it is.

Edited by michel123456
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Yes, I would say watering the trees could be the biggest problem where there is not adequate rain fall. Another potentially serious problem is the lack of top soil. Not all dirt is the same. If a mountain is deforested, the top soil is washed away and then no amount of rain will make trees grow. Rebuilding a forest could require many steps. Some trees need more water than others, and some trees grow higher up the mountain than others. If you are serious about mobilizing people to reforest mountains you need to learn about trees, and to then you can give a people a plan. For example, collect leaf and vegetable waste and compost it on the mountain, then grow a drought resistant grass in it to hold it to the ground. Building the soil into a sponge that will hold water. Then plant brushes, and so on until there is enough soil for trees.


I can not think of a better thing to do than to reforest the planet. I am fortunate to have many tree lined paths to walk, and the difference in temperature between shaded areas and standing in the sun is quite amazing.


We have learned more about the needs of creatures in and around our rivers, and have begun planting trees along the rivers, because the shade and cooling the water is so important to all the life forms. It is allowed to cut down trees without permission, and people are fined if they do.


We weren't always so mindful of our trees, but a small group of people learned of the importance of trees and they protested in the streets whenever trees would cut down. Some lived in trees as a form of protest, to stop big timber companies from cutting them down. Others convinced the government that a species of owls had to have old growth forest, so the government said we had leave enough trees for the owls. There is always conflict between the timber industry and those who love nature. Or in poor counties between people's need for fuel and nature. It can a lot of work to spread information and motivate people to take action, and create laws to protect forest.



About top soil

As mining engineer we term top soil as weathered zone, and produced by root of tree action, and then root hang up and kept steady to against erosion. The other side, when we cut tree, so top soil will remove by erosion, So to make fertile land and kept, we must develop plantation. For initial need much cost, but big income in country scale

High technology exist about tree, plantation, etc



About tree usage or consumption

I think it as about consumption management. Tree need time for grow and ready for consumption

Without management, just consumption without plantation, tree on our earth will finish.

In economic calculation, what price of big tree we get than cost of small tree plantation???

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About top soil...


Without management, just consumption...

In economic calculation, what price of big tree we get than cost of small tree plantation???


You point to true value....



Hey, soil ...my favorite topic; the source of our sustenance!


Weathering is just "the other side of the coin of" humification; the buildup or loss of humus-- the carbon richness --in soils. This carbon richness in soil supports the base of our food chain... and more microbial biomass than all the forests and animals living above that soil....

See: diagenesis, humus, rhizosphere, kerogen, humins, inertinite.



Anyway, you should google the phrases (including quotemarks): "soil moisture content" "soil amendment"

together ...and hopefully find some information about humus, and especially the benefits of "charred humus" or biochar (charcoal from waste biomass). There are high-efficient methods for producing charred biomass that yield biofuels and "process heat" as co-products. The charred (solidified) humus resists decay so it lasts for decades or centuries in soils, and protects them from erosion, leaching, dessication, compaction, anoxia, and acidification.


But trees or anything that helps fight dessication, increasing soil-moisture content, should be seen as a valuable commodity!!!



edit: ...google the phrases (including quotemarks): "soil moisture content" biochar "soil amendment"

...to avoid the "fly ash" (with their toxic heavy metals) links, and to find the restoration, biodiversity links.

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You point to true value....



Hey, soil ...my favorite topic; the source of our sustenance!


Weathering is just "the other side of the coin of" humification; the buildup or loss of humus-- the carbon richness --in soils. This carbon richness in soil supports the base of our food chain... and more microbial biomass than all the forests and animals living above that soil....

See: diagenesis, humus, rhizosphere, kerogen, humins, inertinite.



Anyway, you should google the phrases (including quotemarks): "soil moisture content" "soil amendment"

together ...and hopefully find some information about humus, and especially the benefits of "charred humus" or biochar (charcoal from waste biomass). There are high-efficient methods for producing charred biomass that yield biofuels and "process heat" as co-products. The charred (solidified) humus resists decay so it lasts for decades or centuries in soils, and protects them from erosion, leaching, dessication, compaction, anoxia, and acidification.


But trees or anything that helps fight dessication, increasing soil-moisture content, should be seen as a valuable commodity!!!



edit: ...google the phrases (including quotemarks): "soil moisture content" biochar "soil amendment"

...to avoid the "fly ash" (with their toxic heavy metals) links, and to find the restoration, biodiversity links.




Thank you for support


We need expand study, correlation, evaluation etc

and supporting from other countries especially from Iran

I hope this hypothesis will be sent, forward and arrive to Iran people and government


I will go sulawesi Island (no signal on there) for 2-3 weeks


my secretary Lidyawati (mobile phone: 081350566561)

will help to expand information about this forum to other countries as much as possible

especially to iran

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Thank you for support


We need expand study, correlation, evaluation etc

and supporting from other countries especially from Iran

I hope this hypothesis will be sent, forward and arrive to Iran people and government


I will go sulawesi Island (no signal on there) for 2-3 weeks


my secretary Lidyawati (mobile phone: 081350566561)

will help to expand information about this forum to other countries as much as possible

especially to iran



The Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS, Aberystwyth University, Wales) has a biochar project in Sulawesi. If you have the opportunity, contact the assembly government's Academic Expertise for Business program for information, or contact the university (IBERS) directly or through Lore Lindu National Park.

~Godspeed in your journey



Momento mori Nasser Hejazi

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Dear friends


Thank you for information and support


I am back from remote are, and able to use internet

The secretary still same with Mobile phone (indonesia area) +62 1350566561, she will support


I sent to IBERS, and ask about biochar and the hypothesis, and I hope IBERS will support and help, may be as sponsor and may be will collect other support

If we have sponsor, I have some personnel/dept for project preliminary calculation and evaluation. I am waiting for IBERS answer and support


this hypothesis need more study (for other rain factors; topography, win flow possibility, evaporation resources) and evaluation (other data correlation between rain intensity and forest)

We just need data and then I hope we didn't need long time for make study and evaluation


I check ITCZ, if absolutely correct will make exactly horizontal line on our earth

The fact from our data in Iran shown: Rain intensity make correlation with forest

my prediction about forest effect to rain intensity are two point:

1. Forest make lower temperature

2. Forest make air more light, and easier for wind flow and bring humidity, depend existing on Caspian sea, high rain on west, not on east of Caspian sea, but I have no data about forest

condition on east of Caspian sea who in same time with rain intensity data


About biochar, I just general read in short time. I hope may information will useful for biochar study

In Sulawesi, the region about primer material (much igneous rock) likes volcano sand and or gravel, more fertilize but may be have trouble in size reducing process if contain hard (igneous)


In East Borneo (kalimantan), the region about secondary (sediment) with soil yellow color, clay, acid relative and I hope no trouble in size reducing process if contain clay in digging process

We have Kutai National Park in east Kalimantan

May be biochar fron east kalimantan able to add, and I hope IBERS see and read this forum


Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...

For local, I want invest in friendly environment business likes forestry product or plant of trees with strong root, etc, not palm for cpo. I have profit for family & worker and environment likes oxygen, low temperature, land conservation, fertilized land, etc.


I am mining engineer, Actually I am bored work in mining, but my money not much big for family consumption and need long time before produce, continue circulation and cover low environment effect of production







Thank you,

Edited by mooeypoo
bank information removed.
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Moderator Note

Bank information removed. Please don't post that again. If anyone is interesting in ways to donate, they can contact you privately through the Private Message system and get the info they need.

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Moderator Note

Bank information removed. Please don't post that again. If anyone is interesting in ways to donate, they can contact you privately through the Private Message system and get the info they need.




Forgive me,..

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  • 8 months later...

Dear all




This is my Rain Hypothesis in Iran Stage 3


Able to make rain in desert,


I guaranty about my hypothesis, because I have other surprise evident, on other paper: Development for Global warming solution


My 2papers Accepted on international conference



RAIN HYPOTHESIS IN IRAN Stage 3, Publish.pdf



But you can put that into calculations: in Libya, the aquifer , which is not renewed, is supposed large enough to last substantialy. See wiki.





In my other paper; Development for Global warming solution and Better live on USA & other Stage 2


I am so sorry, still difficult on Libya for for cheap and wide result of rain increasing








They ask me for........ I have no money


Bls: IWA-WCE Dublin- Accommodation Change

KEPADA: 1 Lebih lanjut1 penerima CC: 2 penerimaAnda 2 Lebih lanjut BCC: penerimaAnda Sembunyikan Detail DARI:



  • [[emailS DELETED]]

Pesan berbendera Kamis, 22 Maret 2012 13:35

Dear Brenda Wynne

Please, Just publish all of my papers, I sent already by IWA on-line submission system

first, I have no money to go to DublinI have no money to make passport

I have no money for go to international airport on Jakarta

would I pay hotel???,


If I leave my small busines, and use all of my money for go to Dublin and then I cannot buy meal for my wife and my children and so on.....

Will Saudi Arabia=Kavir Country care ?????

Will Ireland Care ?

Will Egypt Care?

Will British Care?

Will Germany, Palestine, Japan, Holland, Austria, switzerland Care????

Will USA Care?

Will Iran Care?

Will you Care?


Please, Just publish my last 2 papers pdf on IWA. It is importand, for global warming solution, for our live, for our earth

I am so sorry, Forgive me


Dari: IWA-WCE Dublin 2012 <registration@iwa-wcedublin.org>

Kepada: [[emailS DELETED]]

Dikirim: Rabu, 21 Maret 2012 11:13

Judul: IWA-WCE Dublin- Accommodation Change

Dear Mr. Suharyan Serap Notodipuro,

Thank you for your registration for the IWA-WCE Dublin 2012 Congress. Please note that the hotel you selected is no longer available for the congress. I have moved you booking to the Jurys Parnell Square which is the closest Hotel to your previous hotel. The rate is €120 per night and an updated invoice will be sent to you shortly. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,Brenda Brenda Wynne,


IWA-WCE 2012 Booking Desk registration@iwa-wcedublin.orgTel: +353 (0)1 4003626DD: +353 (0)1 4003611Fax: +353 (0)1 4003692 IWA-WCE 2012, C/o Keynote PCO Suite 26, Anglesea House, 63 Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland www.keynotepco.ie

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Eh, okay, here we go:


  1. Your links aren't working, because they're copy/pasted from yahoo email.
  2. We don't allow for posting email addresses and personal information in posts. I removed those.
  3. You realize you're replying to a convention confirmation, yes?
    I'm not sure what you want to show with this, but it doesn't show that your papers were peer reviewed. It just showed you were registered to a convention. Good for you.
  4. There are a lot of companies around the world that work in "reviving" the desert and doing a lot of technology in agriculture in the desert, like Mexico and Israel, and those are easier and better to use than to create rains.
  5. The main issue with desert farming is not the rain (it actually does have rain) it's the type of soil. Making rain in the desert won't help you.

No one will "just" publish your papers. There is a methodology to the scientific method, and you're not going to skip it.


If you want to discuss your science, lay it out OUTSIDE the pdf.


If you have something scientific (research) you want to publish, please summarize your points OUTSIDE the document you're attaching and we can try and help you with the science.


DO NOT REQUEST MONEY HERE, commercial or "donations", both are not acceptable, and will get you banned outright if you do it again.



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I didn't ask money here, I just share


I told to IWA conference, just publish my papers, no problem for me, because I have no money to go Dublin

They always ask me for register fee, and so on


I didn't ask money.





Eh, okay, here we go:


  1. Your links aren't working, because they're copy/pasted from yahoo email.
  2. We don't allow for posting email addresses and personal information in posts. I removed those.
  3. You realize you're replying to a convention confirmation, yes?
    I'm not sure what you want to show with this, but it doesn't show that your papers were peer reviewed. It just showed you were registered to a convention. Good for you.
  4. There are a lot of companies around the world that work in "reviving" the desert and doing a lot of technology in agriculture in the desert, like Mexico and Israel, and those are easier and better to use than to create rains.
  5. The main issue with desert farming is not the rain (it actually does have rain) it's the type of soil. Making rain in the desert won't help you.

No one will "just" publish your papers. There is a methodology to the scientific method, and you're not going to skip it.


If you want to discuss your science, lay it out OUTSIDE the pdf.


If you have something scientific (research) you want to publish, please summarize your points OUTSIDE the document you're attaching and we can try and help you with the science.


DO NOT REQUEST MONEY HERE, commercial or "donations", both are not acceptable, and will get you banned outright if you do it again.



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Rain Hypothesis in Iran Stage 3 is my actual paper


I have other evident, how to increase rain, too big for up load here






We're not asking for money or fees for your papers.


If you want to discuss your actual papers and the science, please explain it here and we'll discuss it.

Otherwise we'll close the thread.



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Dear friend


I have no patent on my 2 papers

I have other strong evident, able to increase and make rain on desert

I guaranty---you will surprise


international conferences want me to invite. It is true




Eh, okay, here we go:


  1. Your links aren't working, because they're copy/pasted from yahoo email.
  2. We don't allow for posting email addresses and personal information in posts. I removed those.
  3. You realize you're replying to a convention confirmation, yes?
    I'm not sure what you want to show with this, but it doesn't show that your papers were peer reviewed. It just showed you were registered to a convention. Good for you.
  4. There are a lot of companies around the world that work in "reviving" the desert and doing a lot of technology in agriculture in the desert, like Mexico and Israel, and those are easier and better to use than to create rains.
  5. The main issue with desert farming is not the rain (it actually does have rain) it's the type of soil. Making rain in the desert won't help you.

No one will "just" publish your papers. There is a methodology to the scientific method, and you're not going to skip it.


If you want to discuss your science, lay it out OUTSIDE the pdf.


If you have something scientific (research) you want to publish, please summarize your points OUTSIDE the document you're attaching and we can try and help you with the science.


DO NOT REQUEST MONEY HERE, commercial or "donations", both are not acceptable, and will get you banned outright if you do it again.



Edited by kaiwan
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