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Convex Mirror and speed of the image

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I'm not sure I understand the question's wording.


But, what I recommend you do is model (draw it ;) ) the two cases: far from the convex mirror, and close to the convex mirror, and compare the differences between the two images that appear in the mirror.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its not really going faster. Well I suppose that parts obvious hahahe :P. Think of light hitting a lense, after all it is convex. Light is focused to a point on the surface of the mirror at all times. As an object moves closer the angle of the light opens engaging more surface and altering the refleting angles. Also as the object is always magnifed according to its distance. Think lets say it always doubled the mag factor. So we start at 10 meters which appears as size "1" but magnified to "2". Thats an increase of 1. Now 9 meters, size "2" magnifed is "4". Thats an increase of 2. It seems as if the increase of size over time increased by two and will continue that way eg. Size "4" x2 = magnified "8" and increase of 4 in 1 meter. Size "8" x2 = magnifed "16" an increase of 8 in 1 meter. :>


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