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Microneedles Discovered


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In the Science World recently, scientists have discovered microneedls. Needles that are so small when put up against the skin it feels like sandpaper. This revolutionalizes the medicine industry and could began to be mailed out to people as early as in 5 years.

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Here is an article discussing the discovery of microneedles.


That's right, tiny little needles so small you don't even feel them. Attached to a patch like a Band-Aid, the little needles barely penetrate the skin before they dissolve and release their vaccine...


The business side of the patch feels like fine sandpaper, he said. In tests of microneedles without vaccine, people rated the discomfort at one-tenth to one-twentieth that of getting a standard injection, he said. Nearly everyone said it was painless.

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Here is an article discussing the discovery of microneedles.

Yes thank you DJ :). This discovery is going to make going to the doctor a whole lot cooler! Of course, you could also use this as a way to easily administer bioweaponry into your enemy O_o. I doubt that would happen! (unless....)

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