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Help! Dijkstras algorithm.


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Hey people. I've got an exam tomorrow about algorithms and data structures, and in spite of my efforts I cannot find the answer to a question from the last exam (it is not at all uncommon for questions to be repeated, weirdly enough).


So, the question is about Dijkstra's algorithm, and the implementation of the min-priority queue. I understand when to use an array (dense graphs), binary min-heaps (sparse graphs) and fibonacci-heaps, but I do NOT understand when it is reasonable to use an ORDERED array.


Thanks a lot for any pointers or hints.



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There's actually software that should give you a good understanding. I think its called something like "my brain" or something...


You can find the Dijkstra's algorithm in software platforms that implement Neural Maps/Neural Networks.


Many routers functions also go by the Dijkstra's algorithm as well.


A Dijkstra's algorithm does not necessarily need to be used as an ordered array because its purpose is to illustrate the shortest relationships between nodes.


Creating an ordered array of Nodes may only be useful in a recursive searching algorithms for finding a specific category, within a complex node tree.

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**Edit**A Dijkstra's algorithm does not necessarily need to be used as an ordered array because its purpose is to illustrate the shortest relationships between nodes.


Because that could disturb the node(s) relationships...

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There's actually software that should give you a good understanding. I think its called something like "my brain" or something...


LOL! I might be the one asking for help, but that is just a douchebag attitude. :doh:


You can find the Dijkstra's algorithm in software platforms that implement Neural Maps/Neural Networks.


Many routers functions also go by the Dijkstra's algorithm as well.


A Dijkstra's algorithm does not necessarily need to be used as an ordered array because its purpose is to illustrate the shortest relationships between nodes.


Creating an ordered array of Nodes may only be useful in a recursive searching algorithms for finding a specific category, within a complex node tree.

Merged post follows:

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**Edit**A Dijkstra's algorithm does not necessarily need to be used as an ordered array because its purpose is to illustrate the shortest relationships between nodes.


Because that could disturb the node(s) relationships...


As stated in my post, my issue was not that I needed help to understand what Dijkstras algorithm did, but under what conditions it is better to implement the min-priority queue as an ordered array (instead of an array, binary min-heap, fibonacci heap). I'd appreciate if you'd elaborate more on the part I've put in bold.

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yep, truedeity is a douchbag. he'll be linking you to his conspiracy videos in a minute. i wouldn't take anything you hear from him as fact unless verified by sources.


i can't really help you on your question, but we're not all like truediety. he's been here only a few days and doesn't appear to have read the rules. i doubt he'll be here much longer.

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Wish I can help you on this one but I've never done an implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm as I've never had an applicable problem.


There are cases where I thought I did where I ended up going with Markov chains or a collaborative filtering algorithm like Slope One to find optimized "optimal routes" across graphs.

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