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Barbarians, Hornets, Baseball, Bees & Books


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by K. B. Robertson


Charles Darwin’s VOYAGE OF THE BEAGLE (‘On The Origin Of The Species’), recently being read - in the great outdoors - by the record; interrupted by a boldly orbiting hornet (All Creatures Great And Small, The Lord God Made Them All), namely, a yellowjacket. He landed on the face of the open book in my lap and then disembarked and went back into orbiting my coordinates and keeping me in suspense, as they often indulge themselves...


He finally landed again on the face of the afore titled and authored book. I closed the book - smartly - upon him (I forget what page). I reopened it and with a burst of air through pursed lips, blasted him off the face of the book, into an approximately three foot long high arc, to land unmoving in the tangle of the trimmed hedges in front of the stairway I had been seated upon when the complacently reconnoitering Stuka arrived to take control of my life. As they have a way of doing.


Dear Mr. Yellowjacket: I respect you. You are one of God’s most mighty and courageous and adventuresome and fierce, raw meat, carrion and bee eating critters on earth. You are magnificent. But. Don’t do it here. Yes. I know who you are. You know that I know who you are. You could ruin my entire week with swollen tissue and sharp pain on any part of my body. Probably get away with it.


If you happened to be tearing chunks out of a hamburger - with your mighty mandibles: ten times more powerful than those of a bee - as I pick it up and take a bite out of it, including you. You could, and probably would kill me with stings in my mouth, throat and stomach. Not get away with it, but compensatorily take me with you, mostly due to the fact that your sting is much more toxic than that of a bee, and, also, whereas a bee stings only once and then loses its life - a part of it's intestine - for having done so, you on the other hand, can deliver intense stings repeatedly. Even grizzly bears know this and only they and Orcas and Polar bears are creatures without fear. Even they may find you the exception to their fearless rule. For all this yellowjacket fearing record knows. Yes. You know that everybody knows that about you, Mr. Yellowjacket. Wherever you go. By your distinguished colors, pattern and exoskeleton armor. On sight.


On the other hand. In the case of this two legged bi-ped who knows who you are. You do not know something about this particular type of bipedal mammalian creature. This individual one is of a kind that will terminate you in mid air between his hands - or reach out briskly and crush you with one hand - and take his chances on your ability to inflict a painfully swollen hand for several days. Because: you frighten, and consequently, piss them off. That much. Heaven or hell. Turn. Or burn.


Such a person does not want to be, for example, the batter at the base who is distracted by an ominously orbiting, hovering yellowjacket, commuting back and forth between the batter, say, and the pitcher. Sidling back and fourth just ahead of your bowsprit; maintaining holding pattern while looking you directly in the eyes as they do. Making you wonder what they’re going to do next. Along with, in a case like this, say, 50,000 stadium occupying bystanders and six TV cameras live to 30 million people watching it in their living rooms. None of but two of these - the batter and the pitcher in this case - know why the game seems strangely delayed by the unexplained non pitching of the pitcher and/or the unexplained non stepping - or staying up to the plate by the batter...


No one understands this better than Johnny Yellowjacket. Only yesterday the same nomadic troublemaker caused a fatality accident he smugly flew away from after a panicked driver ran a light and T boned a schoolbus at forty miles an hour. Drivers have been known to leave the road in panic at the intrusion of a hornet in the automobile (Instead of calmly pulling over and letting the little bastard go. Or safely dispatching him). It has come to the attention of this record that hornets enjoy terrifying everything that isn’t another yellowjacket, whether they attack it or not. And still, it is innocent. However savagely so. As people cannot be, when they ape the hornets - or the bygone nomadic pagan conqueror’s - behavior, in the false name of doing what comes ‘naturally’.


A comparison can be made between all sedentary, civilized peope as comparable to bees, and nomadic, savage hornets as barbarians.


Conclusion: Civilized people - and even most barbarians - are much more comparable to bees than they are hornets. The Doctrine Of Innate Depravity holds its place only with culturally stricken, hysterically depraved interpretations and interpreters (Refer, ‘karma mongers’. ‘God’s will’, ‘manifest destiny’, ‘predestination’ ).



“Humanity stands alone on this planet. Condemned to freedom.

Having no other destiny, than the one it forges for itself”.

- Jean Paul Sartre.

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