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Geometry Problem

fourier jr

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This is for the second part.


Instead of finding f(n) explicitly we find g(n) for which [math]f(n) \le g(n)[/math] for all [math]n \ge 3[/math]


Here [math]f,g:N \mapsto N[/math] and that [math]f,g \ge 0[/math]


Finding a function g(n)


The number of right angled triangles formed by n points will be always less than or equal to the total number of triangles formed by those n points.


The total number of traingles formed by n points is the number of ways of choosing 3 points out of the n points. i.e [math]g(n)=^{n}C_3[/math]


We have

[math]0 \le \frac{{f(n)}}{{n\^3}} \le \frac{{g(n)}}{{n\^3}}[/math]


It can be shown that [math]\frac{{g(n)}}{{n\^3}}[/math] converges to 0 as n tends to infinity.


Therefore by sandwiching (pinching) [math]\frac{{f(n)}}{{n\^3}}[/math] also must tend to 0

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actually, when i went through it again, my proof if completely wrong.


g(n)/n^3 does not converge to 0 as n tends to infinity. it actually tends to 1/6.


so my whole proof collapses.


but now we know that if the limit of f(n)/n^3 does exist then its bounded above by 1/6.


oh well. back to the drawing board now.

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Let f(n) denote the maximum number of right triangles determined by n coplanar points. Prove f(n)/(n^2) --> infinity as n-->infinity and f(n)/(n^3) --> 0 as n-->infinity.
Lemme get this straight: [math]f(n)/n^2>\infty[/math] as [math]n>\infty[/math] and [math]f(n)/n^3>0[/math] as [math]n>\infty[/math], correct? Or is --> greater than or equal to?
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---> means tends to . as in a limit.


now for the second part.


in the first proof i wrote. g(n)/n^3 didnt converge to 0


but if u take g(n)=n


then [math]f(n) \le g(n)[/math]

[math]\frac{f(n)}{n^3} \le \frac {g(n)}{n^3}[/math]

since g(n)/n^3 = 1/n^2 tends to 0 as n tends to infinity then f(n)/n^3 must also tend to 0.

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