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Norman Albers

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The spider, a long-legged one in my tiled shower, emitted a little squeak a few octaves above middle C, presumably saying "don't start the water and flush me." First I thought, sure I've been tuning too many pianos. I had not yet started the water and crouched down next to it on the floor, and it squeaked again, twice, so I moved it outside. The cougar shrieked, warning me to stay away from it and its two cubs. I no longer blunder outside after dark to take a wizz. The red fox has me feeling ignorant. I first met it last winter when I was stacking some sticks down in the drainage. It was adolescent and looked at me from 15 feet away. I stayed crouched, talked softly, and it started walking to me. Halfway it caught itself and stopped. This past Sept. I was loading things into my station wagon one mid-morning, and the fox appeared. They have an air voice, "AAh-ah aah ah" sort of thing. After carrying on most of a minute, with me answering saying yes I am leaving, my beautiful friend, it moved a few feet and continued. I was stunned but now I am wondering if it was complaining about the cessation of all my watering. Maybe I should have just dripped a hose instead of marveling at it.

Edited by Norman Albers
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I looked down and I saw the rabbit and he asked me where the eagle was. I said I haven't seen him. He replied well good I need to go to my family. I saw the eagle the eagle said hey have you seen the rabbit. I replied yes he is with his family have you seen my cat. The coyote scurried by and asked his wife what was for dinner I shouted out not me ................ what you gonna do gimpy. The owl swooshshed by and said hey princess please watch over us, I replied anything for you beautiful. The little dust bunny with ears named field mouse sat next to me and watched a movie, his friends left me some crumbs in my toaster. The long legged spider asked me not to flush him I replied I hope you can hold your breath...............la guer!

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