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sky and space

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I have this great confusion. I am not able to distinguish between sky and space.


I feel that sky is the space but space is black but sky is blue(generally)


I am a kid in this field. So can anyone please take the pain of explaining in a easy and liberal manner.

Thank you

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the sky is the atmosphere of the earth. extends out to about 10000km above earths surface. space is generally considered everything above 100km though. that is the altitude where the velocity necessary to remain in flight by traditional methods(wings) exceeds orbital velocity.

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When you look up at the sky, you are not seeing directly into space. The atmosphere's particles reflects and refracts much of the light coming and going into space.


For a so-so metaphor, look at a hard boiled egg except the white doesn't have a definate stopping point. it continues for a while longer. In order to get out of the white part from the yellow you would have to be going at escape velocity, or 25,000 km/hour. If this dosen't make any sense (as is probably will) just reply and ill be sure to get back to you.

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Basically what it is, is clouds of gas being pulled into by earth's gravitational pull. But these gasses eventaully fade away as you get farther and farther away from earth. So instead of it being like an egg, there is no real definite line between the earth's atmosphere and space.


Also, the reason why the sky is blue is because the sun's rays are reflecting off the particles in our atmosphere. Notice this, because at night it is black because there is no sun light, not because we have no atmosphere.


Please feel free to ask any questions.

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