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There is a really excellent and realistic simulator called Orbiter. It is a space flight simulator. Its is really enjoyable and you can fly to the Moon, Mars, anywhere you can think of. You can get it here. http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/

And if you are looking for more to do with orbiter, you can visit http://www.orbithangar.com. They have these things called add-ons which you add to the default missions you start out with and they include.....apollo missions, ISS missions, practically almost all the shuttle missions, the Mars Rover missions, it also has planes and jets you can fly. Check it out. There are also tutorials on orbithangar if you need help with anything. You can also visit the orbiter forum too. But another reason I came to tell you about it is because there is this thing called a virtual space agency. It is basically like NASA but for orbiter. I would like to know if you guys would want to join mine. UASO. The site can be found here. http://www.vuaso.org. Pm me if you would like to join. We will be conducting missions such as historical and future also present missions. Hope to see you there!



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