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States that have the worst CO2 emissions

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Take a look at the article I just read recently:


link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070602/ap_on_sc/global_warming_states_1


Apparently there are some states that spew out more CO2 than states with much larger populations, and even spew out more than entire nations around the world! Coal, obviously, is to blame for this and this article shows that the states that pollute the most are the ones that are powered primarily by coal. Texas, the worst one, is still planning on building new coal power plants and is not making any effort to lower emissions.


Here is another site that shows how much each state is putting up each year:



This site also shows that emissions by the United States have increased over the past 13 or so years.


This could be problematic towards reducing global emissions and for the development of clean, sustainable energy sources because for this to work every state has to cooperate and some states refuse to change their energy sources.

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I saw that Wyoming is at the top of the per-capita CO2 emissions. The state politicians are fuming about this because they say it isn't fair to count CO2 emissions on a per-capita basis as their CO2 emissions are the result of electricity generation that that the state exports to millions of people nationwide. I guess in a way they do have a point.

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