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Valerie Plame sues Cheney, Rove, Libby


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The other day on Keith Olbermann the basic conclusion was the White House got through the whole Plame affair unscathed. Will this shake things up a little?

I wonder why Bill Harlow didn't get sued too. He confirmed Plame just like Rove did even though neither was the source for revealing her. Then again, Novak got her name from her husband's entry in Who's Who so I wonder why she didn't sue Who's Who as well. I sure hope she gets counter sued for all the legal expenses....

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This is actually one of two major news stories that came out this week regarding the Valerie Plame outing incident. The other one was when Robert Novak, the person who reportedly received the initial leak/tip/whatever, broke his silence on the issue.


I've never quite figured out what to make of this. I'm as disturbed as the next non-ideologue about the practice of outing agents for political gain, but from the very beginning we've been hearing about how it was the "worst-kept secret in Washington" and how he went around introducing her at parties as his "CIA wife". It's within the realm of possibility that somebody blurted something out in frustration and that's all there was to it. On the other hand, it's also within the realm of possibility that part of her cover was to be only "semi-covered", in a sense. An obvious kind of reverse-psychology that perhaps actually makes sense in the world of espionage.


Also, even if she's the worst-kept secret in Washington, if you know she's in the CIA, then you don't talk about it. Period. It's not your place as a public official to discuss it. I don't care what her husband did -- two wrongs don't make a right. But I'm also generally annoyed by political hacks -- on BOTH sides -- who turn mountains into molehills for ideological reasons. They're playing games with my country, and I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.


These things will have to be determined by historians, but as far as my personal reaction is concerned, this has both worsened my opinion of the administration's intelligence-handling and politics-playing, and worsened my opinion of the political intrigues that leftist partisans are willing to play in their frothing determination to convince everyone that they were right about Bush all along.


Because, you know, he's just a womanizer from Arkansas, so we should have known this was coming. Er, wups! I mean a Republican and an oil man, so therefore we should have known this was coming.


It sucks to be in the tiny minority of this country that actually pays attention to something besides the "D" and "R".

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