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The Vector Addition!!!

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When we use phages as vectors in biotech. most being lytic cycled , they'll kill the bacteria which have been induced with the character before it divides...!!! then what remains the use of inducing that gene in it?

Yes, before the lysis of bacterial cell, it may participate in conjugation provided to transfer this gene from itself to the other participant provived you insert f-factor also... and after its death it will lead to transformation of the other bacteria...

if the major inducer of these 2 possibilities[ conju and transformashn] is transformation...then why spend time in inducing that gene in the bacterial cell? directly keep bacteria to be transformed in gene soln. Is there any difference between the efficiency of the two kinds of transformations?


AND if the conjugation is major one then its ok... and if both are equally major then also its ok... but we have to find the maxima of the net induction amount of the process [ net induction= induction due to conju+ that due to transformatrion] And then use the most useful combination possible out of them.




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