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Einstein was WRONG!!!!! And EVIL!!!


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Update & Review.


This inestimably precious thread was originated (It could be said to have been 'discovered', by bascule?)

In order to maintain focus on what the locus of controversy orbits, the following information is provided by Mr. Fred Hutchison, via the provided click-on. Mr. Hutchison is not to be underestimated as a model example of freelance theological emporia imposing on the arena of science. The two subjects are not necessarily mutually exclusive. On the other hand the inspiration for bascule's thread - Mr. Hutchison's A CRITIQUE OF EINSTEIN, defines a conversion from science and religion to one of propaganda, perhaps - however inadvertently - having value in how not to do either science or religion.


Please note the click-on URL address connection to Mr. Hutchison's inimitable antithesis of the meaning and import of Relativity, The Unified Field, and Albert - One-beer-mug - Einstein, personally. Theology. Science. Philosophy. Mr. Hutchison is a stellar emporium of ad hoc cosmological death camps - where oats, peas, beans, barley, chickens - all manner of human sustenance is 'murdered', thither helter and hither skelter, willy nilly, along with the WW II Japanese Empirical infrastructure and that of the Third Reich and Black Shirt Fascisti. All the while waxing 'evangelism', bell, book & candle. For further definitions and details, kindly defer to Thor (the oxymoronical, evangelical non-sequitur, self-spun into this thread, so far).


Einstein was WRONG!!!!! And EVIL!!! by Fred Hutchison


bascule's initial entry:


"This was so hilarious I just had to share it. I love prudish douchebags who think SR/GR somehow condone moral relativism."





A critique of Einstein


Fred Hutchinson



Just a reminder on the initial origin and ontology of this thread.

Thank you for only humanly being here - and there also.


- That Rascal Poof (Etceteras)

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