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Linux, Open Source, Operating System


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a while ago i posted something about aspiring to be a hacker, and asking for a someone to magically hand me the keys to transform myself into such an elite. Well now i have some specific question, so hopefully i may get more specific answers.


What exactly is linux? I understand it is a an operating system, but what makes it different than DOS--- maybe a stupid question, but MS DOS is all i'v known (well and windows, but is that an operating system, and i've also had a little experience on macontosh). Please tell me as much about it and how it works as you can.


What exactly is open source, so far i see its something to do with the users of a software having the freedom to evolve it as they wish-- but please more info (perhaps in the end i would buy some extensive books, but i at least want some knowledge now so i will know the potential of what in depth of such knowledge would do) .




And finally---- all this having to do with operating systems, how is an operating system born? Does it essentially begin with using equiptment to orient on the physical level, or is there a base system, like an operating operating system or something used to develop it---- OR IS linux the means of such power? Linux appears to be incredibly brilliant and useful creation, but i don't really know what it is, so hence i present the inquiry to the forum.

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I'd recommend a visit to http://www.linux.org as a first step.


Then (assuming that you want to hack to expose security issues for the good of the computing fraternity and not just be one of those DDOSing little splats ;) ), you should probably try http://www.hetland.org - then just a general hacking search on google should show up plenty of info.

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yeah eh..don't be one of those little punks I've had to repremand so many times before...well 'reprimand' isn't the right word, but don't be stupid;)


and you should probably learn a great deal about computer software and firewalls and the such like right now, it could be useful?

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psshhhhh, if you dont have the info in your head just say so (but i'm sure somebody on this site does). I've already been to linux.org, i'll check it more thouroughly and report back. Don't worry i wont be stupid and use my hacking skills for evil to land myself in jail.

I want to believe you that looking on google is as easy as it seems . . . . but in my experience, no, perhaps i don't have enough patience so i'll try some more. I still want my questions answered here though if anyone has answers (and i cant believe that there isn't someone here who does)

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excuse some of my foolery, i have just found linux lessons, and others useful links---- but obviously yet not absorbed all this knowledge. So still if there is anyone who knows such things off the top of their head, i see no reason for you to not tell me. Or at least say---- iam sorry, its too complicated for your puny brain, OR i found this a useful resource in my training process, you would profit from trying this

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Open Source: The source code (the actual code as it was written before being compiled) is freely avaliable, and you can modify it to improve / personalise it.


Linux: A user friendly OS which gives you more control over what your computer actually does than windows. You could try BSD aswell.


If your new to computers you should install a GUI for linux, just to get to grips with it, soo you will find you are using the shell nearly all the time.

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or if our puny brains are just too tired of being insulted but we still have the knowledge, what does one suggest for that?


my suggestion: sorry for ya^_^

I have no time to help someone who spends his juvenile delinquicy calling me stupid


google probably won't get you hacking lessons anyway, since most hackers aren't that stupid. if they are, don't trust them.

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i've been saying all the time i couldn't find that stuff on google, and thats what people kept telling me. When did i call you stupid------ i wont question you specifically but somebody here must have the time---- i mean how long can it take? I didn't ask anything that deep (i mean it could be but i only want some sufficient amount, not a book or anything). I'm guessing if your here, you may likely have too much time on your hands, or are idling time better used other ways---- thats basically why i'm ever here. In which case i think you guys have plenty of time, just my assuption though.

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linux is an OS.


What makes it different than windows is that it's NOT windows.


Open source means that the code used to make it is public and you can obtain a copy - edit it to your own means............


......and essentially change is so much that it becomes your own UNIQUE operating system.


so you want to hack......


.......why. What will you get out of hacking something? It's really not worth it there's nothing to be gotten.

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In the first thread Navajo posted on this subject I clearly showed that you could get thousands of hacking tutorials with a single, simple query on Google.


Cracking tutorials are another matter. Crackers cause damage, hackers don't. Ignore Hollywood.


Nobody has yet pointed out that you may only modify open source code as long as you keep the new source code freely available.

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Crackers cause damage, hackers don't. Ignore Hollywood.


Thank God not all people are ignorant :)


If you want to be a white hat then there are unlimited resources. If you want to be a black hat (aka a cracker) there are still loads of tutorial, depending on what you want to do.


Be a white hat :)

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i know linux is an OS, i actually wanted to know exactly how it operates that makes it diff. from windows. Yeah i dont really want to cause damage, and if so i wouldn't do it to innocent people. I would be vigilante to kill all the the computer of the evil men in this world

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