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Connecting A Electromagnet Solenoids to A DC Power Supply


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Hello everyone, I'm new to this so I'm not quite sure what I am doing, for an experiment I want to connect a Solenoid to a DC Power Supply, to control the strength of the magnet. Before I do is the any safety rules?

If you can spare your time teaching me. I'd very much appreciate the time you have taken.  

Thank you - Jeff

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Is the power supply 24V or lower?

If not: don't use it until you know what you are doing.

If yes: is it a variable or constant power supply? Hopefully it is variable, and in that case you should always start at 0 and gradually increase voltage or current when you turn it on and gradually decrease it to zero when turning it off. Abruptly cutting the current on a coil can cause extremely large voltages, sparks and stuff breaking.

Lastly: don't put the magnet near creditcards or other magnetic cards or near electronic devices.

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Yes, I will be using a 24V for the experiment, variable power supply is a must for my experiment. I was wondering what would happen if I cut the power off without turning down the voltage or current. Glad you told me. 

Thanks Bender.

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