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Dynamic dimensions


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I offer this as the mechanism behind Relativity.

Imagine that dimensions are not static. That they somehow



What would happen if you caught up to this motion?

Time would go slower and space would shrink.


I say everything in the universe is moving.

You can't even pin down dimensions.

With the advent of Einstein we know dimenisons "curve."

I say they move!


This also explains why the effects of motion are

not reciprocal. Only the accelerated(who experience weight)

will see the clocks left behind run fast(blueshift).

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i think he means something else thats why i asked him to prove it he mentions curvature then says he thinks they move like the x dimension moving in the y dimension or something. i don't really see what that would accomplish though.

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So you do not get tired from posting the same mental diarrhoea on every physics forum available! :eek:

Did not you have enough insults on Usenet, Google, ZapFuture and other?

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They do move! That is the whole basis of GR - the energy-momentum of matter distorts the space-time metric. Or are you meaning something else?


Sorry, Severian, but Dimensions do not move.

Motion is the change of state of coordinates.

Dimensions do not have finite characteristics to allow that.

A dimension is the abstract arbitration of absolute quantities, acting as a reference to which change of state takes place.

Therefore, if you think that relativity says that dimensions move, then relativity must be wrong.

However, do not panic yet; The alleged distortion of spacetime imposed by mass (as in GR) has nothing to do with moving dimensions. It simply redefines the metric arbitrations to allow for fanciful effects of length contraction and time dilation consequent to gravitational-acceleration curves.

The last formidable reference is orthodox logic:

If a dimension was to move, then relative to what is that motion! :rolleyes:

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Hi El !


Maybe you don't like what I have to say.

Go figure.


Say something intelligent or intelligible and I am all yours.

If you wish to post fiction or even write books of the sort, then say so and we may even encourage you.

We need to wake up from the slumber of a hundred years in fantasy and attend to our chemicals.

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Say something intelligent or intelligible and I am all yours.

If you wish to post fiction or even write books of the sort' date=' then say so and we may even encourage you.

We need to wake up from the slumber of a hundred years in fantasy and attend to our chemicals.[/quote']


Like I told you on Google EL I don't need your approval of my ideas.

If you don't like what I have to say you can go fly a kite

in a thunderstorm!!!


Motion is the change of state of coordinates EL?

In Relativity the dimensions of objects can change with speed.

They are dynamic. And like I said "moving" dimensions

can explain that.


Nick -- Light Falls --

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