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My Theory on the "Us vs. Them" Mentality

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Racism and xenophobia are extreme forms of the "Us vs. Them" mentality. Prejudice in general is a destructive form of this trait.


The "Us vs. Them" mentality is actually a natural trait that evolved as a mechanism that reduces internal disorder.


Up until recently, before the rise of such things as nationalism, this trait has never been purposefully used - it's always been in an instinctive on/off state.



First, let's look at what evolution is (this should be familiar). The process of evolution requires three things:




1.) A population of individuals. Some can be identical, some can be completely different.



2.) The replication of these individuals. Sometimes replication isn't perfect, and there's a slight change to the individual.



3.) These individuals compete with each other over limited resources, and are filtered based on competitiveness (ability to compete, survive, adapt, reproduce).



That is the basics of all evolution. Genes are one example of evolutionary systems. You yourself contribute to this system by propagating your own genes (or do your genes use you to propagate themselves?)



Now, I realize many people never studied memetics so I'll have to start from scratch. Memetics complements our understanding of biological evolution, and helps us understand ideological evolution.


So let's look at what is evolution of ideas (culture):



1.) There is a population of ideas. Some are similar, some are completely different.



2.) These ideas are replicated many different ways: chatting, watching movies, reading books, etc. But all communication is ambiguous, and ideas are sometimes slightly changed in the process (mutate).



3.) Ideas must compete for limited resources (minds) based on their competitiveness (ability to compete, survive, adapt, reproduce). There are many ideas, so they have to struggle for popularity. And even then, people disagree, so ideas directly compete for survival.



That is the basics of cultural evolution. By telling you this, the "cultural evolution" idea has just reproduced itself in your mind.



The "racism is bad" idea is systematically replicated in white Christian culture. To acknowledge race is seen as something to be ashamed of. You are yourself propagating this idea (or is the idea using you to propagate itself?)



Cultural evolution runs side-by-side with genetic evolution, and they affect each other to create the dynamics of race evolution.




Let's look back at just biological evolution. Within the genetic population, organisms form different species.


Different species are isolated from each other by their inability to interbreed (chicken can't mate with dog).


Individuality within a species is the genes' mechanism to ensure its own survival (the more individuals it inhabits, the more likely it is to persist.) For example, the genes of different hair colors depend on genetic individuality for survival.


Within the species, there are more cohesive breeds, which are isolated by geography. And within those are even more cohesive families, which are isolated by heritage.


But by resolving internal contradictions within the species, species form competing macro-populations.


Each species competes against other species for the survival of their genes (mice help mice, dogs help dogs).


Different species form co-habitations when it increases chances of both their genes surviving (dogs help humans).




Likewise, within the ideological population, individuals form different cultures.


Different cultures are isolated from each other by their inability to replicate ideas (different langauges, geographic boundaries, political barriers).


Individuality within a species is the ideas' mechanism to ensure its own survival (the more individuals it inhabits, the more likely it is to persist.) For example, the ideas of different musical styles depend on individuality for survival.


Within the culture, there are more cohesive strata, which are isolated by circumstances. And within those are even more cohesive communities, which are isolated by participation.


But by resolving internal contradictions within the culture, cultures form competing macro-populations.


Each culture competes against other cultures for the survival of their ideas (Russians help Russians, Christians help Christians, Nerds help Nerds, etc.)


Different cultures form co-habitations when it increases chances of both their ideas surviving (e.g., Christians help Conservatives.)



Evolution works on many levels. Education systematically retards us and blinds us from this fact.


No, we're not brainwashed, but we're held back. We don't even mention such things as cultural evolution because it might be considered racist. I don't consider it racist. I think we gloss over the signifance of evolution to day-to-day life.

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You could expand this topic to even a broader, more generic categories of "good vs. bad". The human mind likes simplicity and these are the most basic of categories.


All things that help and individual or the individual identifies with are sorted into "good".


All things the individual fails to identify with or are found to be harmful get sorted into "bad".


People and cultures falling into the "bad" category are usually de-humanized so that when conflict arises, the individual can go about disposing of the "bad" and avoid internal conflict.


For example, look at the propaganda from any war and look at how the enemy is portrayed.

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I'm trying to think if there are any exceptions, but that's an accurate description as far as I can tell. You're right.


People in competing countries view each other as bad. Same thing with people in competing communities. So do people in competing schools, ideologies, and religions.


It is only when they have accepted some of the same ideas that they sympathize for the other side - that is when they're competing for the good of the same thing.

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