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Nexcess: Spin-1, Spin-1/2 Stern-Gerlach transitions seen as gyroscopic frames


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To all who dare: This thread is not a disertation claiming any QM inclusion. The topics are QM in scope and there are many obvious similarities in problem recognition, but this isn't QM, so I will not be responding to QM responses unless critically relevant.


Nonllocal force centers are localized in the chasnnel obstructions of Stern_Gerlach segments when performiong standard S-> T -,> S trransition experiments.

The following is part instructional (we all need to pseak the same lanuage) and part formal descriptioon of physical systems. The transitions are seen in the sideview of the segments (3rd and 4ty figuress_ segment. However, for those unfamiliar with SG transitions, The first two figures indicate the transition of the first and second expression below,:


S-> T -,> S,

S-> T + B-> T and

S-> S + B --,> S


The Rules of transition can be verified in Feynman's "lectures on physics" Vol III chapter 55. We differ only in the interpretation of the totality of the description of the science. The first transition shows the S to T to S transition where the particle state is first polarized into one of three possible T spin states and when exiting the T segment the particle reforms to the +S state. The segment spin state of the particle returns to the +S state, say we are using +S as a test vehicle.Then the T state must contain some information about the prepolarized state of the particle before entering the T segment. Now the particles move in one of three directions, wrt the T z-axis: up, down or horizontally wrt the T segment z-axis.


Some describe this transition as if the "wide open" segment was not present.


This 2nd transition is identical to the first with the exception that the 2nd T segment has obtructions inserted in the middle and lower channels.


In words the first trahsitons says the +S state particle is polarized to a T state when entering the T segment and reforme to the +S state when exiting the Tsegment. The second is almost the same except the added + B signifying the additions of blocks, or obstructuions.

The particle state will become a permanent T state when passing through the plane of the obstructions.


It is the obstructions that causally determine the permamnet change of state of the spin particle. But as the particle that survives does not directly contact the causal agent obstructions, the action on the resultant state of the particle is considered due to nonlocal/local force exchanges. We will use this language until proved that the causal elements were indeed local only, just obscured don't count in tthis.,


The S --> S + B-> S is identical in physics to the S -> T +_ B -> T. In both cases the polarized state of the particcle in the Alien to domestic transition and domestic to domestic transiton of the S -?> S experiment are preserved permanently as the particle passes through the plane of the obnstructions, Withiout the obstructuions the particle state resolves to the original +S state. when exiting the T segment in field free space. Unlike the magnetic compass needle uising the force of the earth's maghnetic field to reorient the pertubed needle, thr spin 1 particle retuirn to e the pre-polarised state in field free space.


Therefore there are unobserved existence critical elements of the observed spin state that are not expressed in the state vector function Y(S) = +S. There nmust be the reference to the nonlocal existenece critical elements of the S -> T transion (the nexess. nonllocal existence critical spin elements)


The figure below is largely instructionsal but uselful in udenstanding SG state transition rules thag have no analogue in QM, Again:this ain't QM.



The last two figures are introductory rules of transitions that are very simple as the number of various states are limited.. Once learning the drill, thye use of the proper transition rules find applicatuion in viertually every aspect of physics not touched by nonlocal modeling attributes,.



Remember the whole point of this threrad is the decription and location of nonlocal force centers.



I will discuss the falsity of assuming the spin states of the partiucles are generated in the heat of the tungsten filament and also the revival of the modified rigidly attached randomly oriented spin state vector model discarded from incosistrency wrt SG tyransition results.



Here is a ghraphics rich, math poor descripton of the most basic trasnsitions.


The spin states are the oriented magnetic spin vectors, The particles have to be polarized to the whim of the SG segment, and then the gyroscopic activity returns when the original spin state reforms or when a new state is formed after discarding the old.

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