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Everything posted by Age12ProdigyofMicrobiology

  1. it depends on how much the car weighs. the magnet would prabobly have to be the size of an average sized kitchen.
  2. I appreciate you sharing your knooledge with me and for your advice! I will be purchasing a a few books on microbio soon swell as staying a long term member ford this website.
  3. Gram staining/Gram positive vs. negative When being a microbiologist, before you give your patient medicine to fight of their bacteria you need to know wether they have gram positive or negative bacteria. You need to know this because most medicines only serve the purpose to either gram negative or positive bacteria, for instiince penicillin does not kill gram negative bacteria. You find wether your patient has gram negative or positive bacteria by doing a gram stain. A gram stain is a Differentiating staining process for bacteria. Once completing the gram stain your gram positive bacteria will be purple , and gram negative bacteria will be pink under the microscope (if with correctly with oil immersion). A bacteria is either gram positive or negative based on its cell wall chemical composition. A gram positive bacteria has a thick pepditoglycan layer under the bacteria capsule, under the pepditoglycan a membrane similar to one humans have, in gram positive bacteria peptidoglycan there is teichoic acid, and lipoteichoic acid Under a gram negative bacterias capsule it has a membrain under that, a thin peptidoglycan layer, and another membrane. Sorry, my knowledge of negative bacterias chemical composition is not that wide. Bacterium species -Bacillus-some times called a "rod" a bacillus is a rectangle shaped bacteria. -Coccus- a round circle shaped bacteria, there a different types of coccus too. There is the singular coccus that is is alone, the diplococci which is two cocci together the staphylococci means groups of cocci in irregular shapes, there is the streptococci which is three or more cocci in a strand, the sarcina which is two group of four cocci which a layered... in a way, and finally the tetrad which is a group of four cocci. -Coccobacilli- an oval shaped bacteria inbbetween a coccus and a bacilli -Vibrio- a spiral shaped bacteria I am only 12 so there is no microbiology class, i rely on the internet, hopefully i will like this website and it helps me with my research and interests. if you have anything to add, or anything i messed up on or missed please tell me. you can call me ..... Dr. Micro
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