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Everything posted by I-AM-A-GENIUS

  1. According to Darwins theory, man evolved from flora and fiona. Now, the big problem here, is that 1 flora + 1 fiona = 2 units. So far, all is going fine. The 5 foot old gentleman with a 6 foot beard, and a two ton brain, Mr C. Darwin, laughs at this young upstart trying to upset his beautifully constructed theories. But now, we come to the tiny little parts that just wont fit in with this idea…2 UNITS?? HOW CAN THERE HAVE BEEN 2???? According to science, everything, absolutely EVERYTHING, evolved from flora and fiona. That includes the concept of numbers!!! HIS THEORY CLAIMS THAT, AN OBJECT EXISTED BEFORE IT DID, A PARADOXICAL IDEA!!! THUS THAT OLD GENT IN THE JURY BOX HAS REASONED AGAINST HIS OWN SELF!!!! Having played my master move like Bobby Fischer, crushing Darwin as easily as I would crush you, I would like to make my final speech. I hope, my dear reader, that this CHAIN OF REASONING, will not confuse you, for which reason I have put it as simply as possible for your benefit. I APOLOGIZE IF I HAVE SOMEWHAT BEFUDDLED YOUR WITS. Thank you.
  2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imagine a man is walking down a street and meets another man walking in nthe opposite direction. Now assuming they meet, which they never will, there can be zero, since if there is a foundation only can the rest exist, and vice versa. So assuming that if they meet they make x, if they never meet, there is no x, and thus no zero. HAVING THUS DISPROVED AN ENTITY WHICH WAS HITHERTO ACCEPTED UNIVERSALLY AND THUS PROVING TO THE PEOPLE MY GENIUS, MY BRILLIANT SCILNTILATING FLASH OF INTELLIGENCE, LIKE MIKHAIL TAL CRUSHING BOBBY FISCHER IN A CHESS GAME, I WILL NOW TAKE MY LEAVE. THANK YOU. (I AM SORRY IF THIS IS A LITTLE MIND BOGGLING TO THE READER, BUT THAT IS HOW IT IS. LIFES LIKE THAT.)
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