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Everything posted by Isambard761

  1. I'm solving a set of equations as part of a simple fixed point optimization algorithm that I am implementing in MATLAB. I have a set of N numbers A={a(1),a(2),.......,a(N)}. Each a(i) is a member of the positive reals. No order or pattern is presumed in the values of A. I am trying to solve the following equation: sum(i=1:N){1/(a(i)+x)}=C To give a simple numerical example with N=4, A={1,3,2,0.5), and C=10: 1/(1+X)+1/(3+X)+1/(2+X)+1/(0.5+X)=10 I can solve x by multiplying through the denominator, creating a 4th order polynomial and then solving this polynomial, but this is a lot of work and not feasible for large datasets (e.g, I have a dataset with n=10000). I'm sure that there must be a simple mathematical trick for solving this function, but I can't seem to find it. Please does anyone have any idea about this?
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