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Everything posted by steviek2000

  1. 23andme seems to be the first place to go. I have ordered from them. Hopefully they will provide me with the raw microarrays. Then if someone discovers are particular snp linked to a disease, inorder for me to test if it is in my dna, I first I need to have the loci microarray of where it would be and then need the software search for it. For example I would like to be able to test to see if I have a certain SNP that a researcher has linked to a disease. ( given that 23andme doesn't already test for it ).
  2. Hi, I'm looking to get my whole genome sequenced. I researched the cost and it seems it can be done for 10k USD maximum. After it is sequenced, is there software available that will easily show me all known genes that are in my dna ? Maybe the software would compare it against a known database. Is such a software system available that is free or not expensive for one license ? I'm not a scientist so looking for layman type of software. My main concern is that I pay for it to get done but then it is not in any usable form or there software needed to analyze it and compare is to technical to use. Thank You.
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