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  1. Dear all, I have to find a fast way to compute changes in the equipotential lines as the result of sudden changes in the local gravitational fields (2D space). (Caused by the destruction of a planet for example). I could recalculate everything but it takes too much time for the device on which the calculation is deployed. The environment has lots of bodies, so an analytical solution is not to consider. I compute the level lines, picking a initial point and iterating along the gradient of the gravitational force. I don't really know where to start, but I'm thinking about a local method that only propagates changes on a limited range around the "explosion". If you want to take a look at the origin of the problem, here is a screenshot of the project, and the link to the related (free) iphone game. I was also thinking about representing the equipotential lines as Bezier lines and only updating a couple of points instead of redrawing complete exact lines but then I'm not sure 2 lines won't cross eachother since they are interpolated. Thanks for you help, any idea is welcomed ! Seb <link removed by mod per rule 7>
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