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Posts posted by Iwonderaboutthings

  1. Let's explore this for a moment. Why would an arbitrary definition of states of matter have any influence on the colour of the sky? Our classification does not effect the reality of what we are classifying. Why do you think it does?.


    This is going off topic, but I will answer and get denoted later :blink:


    You are 100% correct, but lets look at it this way:


    Because as children we never notice these things, until adults " define reality for us." Not to mention math, philosophy and other obstructions of " free thinking." We thus grow costumed to conventional forms of thinking, that don't comply with a standard accepted way of cognitive expression as full grown adults with the same child like curiosities as simple explorers of the world we live in.


    This is based on physical observation within the evolution of time..Ask a new born baby what is the color of the sky "earth", I am sure you wont get an answer, same with a beings from another world " alien per say."


    Although the speed of light is constant in all places in the universe ' Space ' it sure transmits " information" very differently in the minds of different entities. The mind is a very complex thing...Not to mention they say we are all connected to a Central Membrane in the Universe..


    Since light bends in water, and you say that air is as a fluid... The two go hand in hand with what I have learned from adults as a child.


    Water is blue and so is the sky... Of coarse I know the colors vary, but this is the conventional mind frame, and those incredible blue aqua beaches!

    Suddenly I feel a breeze........


    Not to mention that 90% of what I study in relation to:


    Integration " Calculus", The Ether, Especially Electrical Engineering, suggest that their is a Sea of Energy That is the Flow of All energy..Quoted by some well known and famous scientist by the way.


    Rather this is true or not, again, I am looking at the relationships.



    Its hints like these that confuse me, that's all...It appears to flow in another direction, Science is like being in the jungle looking for buried treasure.....

    micron is 1/1,000,000 (1 per million) of second.

    So result should be 67/1000000 = 0.000067 = 6.7e-5

    (four zeros after dot, not three)



    We have been talking about it in thread



    You can write 10*10^3 or 10e3 or 1e4.

    You can write 3*10^8 or 3e8

    Don't mix these two systems..

    I remember now, it is a shame that we do not have a calculator that just does all this...

    Sounds " not right to say" I know,,


    I will go over that page again thanks....

    but what am I doing wrong here
    pi^12, what am i doing wrong here?? I don't understand...I am only using the 3 1 4 and the dot only..
    as 3.14 nothing else but the base of 12....
    3.14*3.14*3.14*3.14*3.14*3.14*3.14*3.14*3.14*3.14*3.14*3.14 = 918662.0518429505
    Google Calculator says this...
    here I am using:3.14159265 to the 12th power..
    3.14159265*3.14159265*3.14159265*3.14159265*3.14159265*3.14159265*3.14159265*3.14159265*3.14159265*3.14159265*3.14159265*3.14159265 = 924269.16885
    Google Calculator says this...
    Something else!
    Why does this:
    (l) = 20/ f (in GHz)
    (l)<----------------------------- that right there, say this in my note pad program??
    1 = c/ f it copies and past like this..
    Here is the link:
    Scroll down to page 10, copy and past:
    ( wave symbol ) = 20/ f (in GHz)
    The wave symbol looks like this:
    When you copy and past the symbol in note pad it turns to the number 1.
    Yes I know what your thinking, Its just a coincidence, but doesn't a wave = 1 already??
    Yes I know that the program note pad does not have all formats for the ASCII conversion, but why the number 1????
    Again I am looking at the pattern, is this also happening to others??
    Cycles from what I know of refer to pi ratio??
  2. [math]\pi^{12}=924269.181..... [/math]. Your equation is wrong here.


    Also this is dead wrong. pi^12 = pi^47+1 = 48

    I can't control round off errors using online calculations sorry.


    I often read online, that we should look at the mathematical relationship this is what I am best at.


    For instance:



    A radar system determines the distance from an approaching
    airplane by the round trip time of a radar pulse. If a plane is
    10 km away how long does the radar pulse take to return to
    the radar?
    I think this is how its done?
    t = 2*distance/c = 2[10*10e3 km]/ c 3*10e8 = 6.7*10e-5 = 6.7*10e-5 = 0.00067= 67 micron s
    which one??
    67 micron s ?
    Why does my calculator tell me this: 0.00067?
    what are all those zeros? is this is round off error??
    why do we add 10e-5, where did this come from??
    This example comes from here:Lenz’s Law page 71
    I may be overlooking something..
  3. OpenOffice is free to download. Don't confuse it with Microsoft Office.

    ohhhhh ;) , I just thought of something as the meter is concerned, the speed of light and pi^12 affects on photon energy.


    In relation to " Not sure" The mass of the proton. Not even sure what the units would be, I think 0.001 is a frequency, but then it is also = to the micron as a distance..0.001 is a micron? Algebra is confusing in regards to " Time and Frequencies"


    Their is a math relationship.


    299.792458*6.626e-33 = 1.986424826708e-31


    1.98650352574581e+31* pi^12 = 6.24441297605896e+43
    0.001/6.24441297605896e+43 = 1.60143155783257e-47
    This is not even close to a scientific explanations, but I will say it anyway..
    e-47 suggest that pi^12 = pi^47+1 = 48, where pi ratio remains constant, or balanced in time and 1 is the quantized energy states of the electron.
    proton and electric charge have opposite signs making this inquiry and relation possible..
    I heard however, that g has no effects at atomic scales, I can't help to think it does...
    IE pi^= 9.8, the "number"
    It came to mind when you said, not interested in air resistance nor other " volume factors"
    I would assume this be the photon it has no mass..Why does pi come close to the proton or electron charge as a frequency in empty space?
    It is something to ponder on atleast for now..It is what I have been wondering about in regards to empty space and the gravitron, a supposed mediator for gravity... These are not facts here, they are creative ideas to still un- resolved solutions...
    I have read online and in books that pi ratio has many science and math connections and is not only related to g, but even the planck scales, I have read it has relation to metric systems from biblical times, and etc and I respect their research and work,
    So this is an add on ;)

    Take photo camera, attach it to tripod (so it'll be steady recording in one direction), and point it to f.e. white wall with attached vertical scale.

    Start recording movie, and release some solid heavy small object f.e. metal ball (because we're not interested in air resistance, or other effects - if density of object would be smaller than air density like balloon with hydrogen or helium it would actually flight up).

    Then transfer movie to computer and load it to movie software such as VirtualDub, Movie Maker or After Effect or so, where you can scrub timeline and see each frame of movie.

    Read distance object traveled at given frame from vertical scale.

    In 30 FPS (frames per second) movie, each frame is 1/30 second = 0.03333(3) second.


    You will receive data like f.e.

    t = 0 s, distance = 0

    t = 0.1 s, distance = 0.04905 m = 4.9 cm

    t = 0.2 s, distance = 0.1962 m = 19.62 cm



    Enter data to OpenOffice Spread Sheet to Distance column like in this image:




    attachicon.gifAcceleration Calculation.png


    To calculate velocity you have to subtract distance at time t1, from distance at time t0, and divide by time it took flight.


    v = (x1-x0)/(t1-t0)

    so in OpenOffice it's calculation:



    (it's in third column)


    Then acceleration is

    a = (v1-v0)/(t1-t0)

    so in OpenOffice it's calculation:



    (it's in forth column)


    As you can see, it's steady 9.81 m/s^2 for this little home experiment.


    If it wouldn't be "home experiment" we would also pomp out air and do experiment and hermetic tube with vacuum to remove any air influence, and use high frequency recording camera like 1000 FPS or more.


    Without camera it's possible to measure it with precise stopper and scale. Release object from 1m and see how long it takes to reach ground, then repeat for 2m, 4m etc. The more precise time measurement, the better result you will get. But in times when everybody have digital camera, why not use it.


    Repeating it on the moon or other planet would show different accelerations.


    Repeating it with higher air pressure, or in fluid would show also different result. Especially in fluid.

    This is truly something to work on, WOW! thanks..I need to borrow a friends lap top that has office, wont be an issue..


    No, I didn't ask how to drive some "pi ratio"..




    g = 9.81

    That's >0.6% difference.


    I asked whether you know how to measure and calculate acceleration in experiment that your can perform anytime at home..

    Oh, no I don't, how do you do that?


    Sorry, I can't take a comment like "retarded" seriously. It is not like it is a medical diagnosis, or something, just a generic insult. You use an offensive word like that but then get upset when someone asks a reasonable question about a possible genuine problem - that makes little sense.



    Yes. Although, as always, much of what you write is an incomprehensible jumble of random ideas and disconnected words. But I try and make sense of it so that, if possible, I can provide a few answers.

    I agree, but the comment was after I stated this... Thats all,..


    No, I didn't ask how to drive some "pi ratio"..




    g = 9.81

    That's >0.6% difference.


    I asked whether you know how to measure and calculate acceleration in experiment that your can perform anytime at home..


    0.6% is a 1/2 difference.... where did you get 0.6% from?

  6. I don't think so Iwonderabouthings was ever rude. At least I have not seen such behaving.



    I hope so too.

    Iwonderabouthings, I will give you in private message mine private database of science discoveries & theories in order they were published (1600-2014 years)..

    With links to articles and links to authors, people involved in discovery or theory.

    So you will have a couple months of reading.


    Please don't speculate, don't create your own theories how something works before learning mainstream explanations that are well documented, well tested.



    Oh for heavens sake, grow up. It was just a question. And hardly a rude one.


    It helps if people can understand the people they are conversing. In your case, you have a very chaotic and hard to follow way of conversing, throwing all sorts of random ideas together. It would be helpful to know why.

    I already stated that I am kind of retarded,


    Did you really read this thread>??????????????????

  8. I am sorry if you feel offended.. That was not mine intention.


    Somebody with ADHD can't concentrate on one subject for longer time.

    You should have already known this, if you " were reading this thread" I already stated that I am kind of retarded...


    how ironic wouldn't you say???


    ADHD is off my OP by the way... ;)


    ADHD is a point of view.Maybe the subject is bored whom knows.

    Some of the greater people had some form of mental disability the world just Loved to pick at...

    Einstein being one of them and a believer in god...


    Albert Einstein Interviewed about Dyslexia




    I can't help it I am human and need to acknowledges my feelings at this time science is not for me because I don't know how to speak on their terminologies and it frustrates them.


    In turn emotions get hurt people think they are dumb, then we don't get anywhere in the world.

    The universe was not made over night think about that..Some areas need special care..


    Thanks for the apology, it shows you are greater person than most.. That is a big step scientifically...


    Thanks everyone and have a great time with new discoveries.




    BUT! I have to admit, I did not notice you asked me if I knew how to derive pi ratio from planetary motion which I assume is f=ma..


    Simply no I don't, I don't need to...

  9. Here are two alternative responses. Please select the one that you find most satisfactory:


    Response A

    There is no match at all:


    1. If your speculation is based on observation, then it is observation you have misunderstood, misinterpreted, or misapplied.

    2. Your suggestion, while not directly conflicting with prior, thoroughly validated findings, does not seem to intersect with them in any meaningful way.

    3. Your argument contains no logical sequence I can discern.

    4. You have not attempted to define anything and your comments are wooly, vague and rambling.


    My suggestion was that you abandon this misguided topic and try something else.


    My apologies for not being clearer - I was trying to break the bad news gently.



    Response B

    Unfortunately I quite lack the intellectual capacity to follow your rigorous and insightful perspective on these matters. Thank you for the glimpse of paradise.

    Ayyyyyyy see, thanks ;)


    Hymmm let me do a little more research, and I will take your advice more strongly, thanks

    Your threads are such chaotic (f.e. post #10, #14). You can't talk about one subject at a time. Do you have ADHD?


    When scientists are making experiment, we are trying to reduce influence of other forces to null, and calculate thing that we're interested in at the moment.




    Due to your rude words, I have asked to be banned..


    I am a human being with emotions and don't need to tolerate this rude and cold behavior..


    Yes, science is not for me because of this...


    I will now enjoy life, and leave the unknown alone..

    As you can see, its all empty out there, so have fun... ;)




    To "fall out" is an English idiom that means that something is a consequence of something. In this case, the fact that g is approximately pi^2 is a consequence of the way the metre was originally defined.



    Yes. I, for one, had no idea that the metre was originally defined in that way. (I have studied history of science, but that detail had passed me by.) Perhaps I am the only one here who was not aware of that, in which case my use of "we" was inappropriate.


    So thanks for starting this thread and brining this little bit of new information to my attention.

    Hymm, maybe they didn't understand what the meter was and as a consequence now we are all " well not on the same mind frame ;). Its a joke!


    Since this is now acknowledged, can we all now understand, and I mean everyone here, how important it is to define a metric system, based on nature's rules and not man made preference?


    And derive good results that are not linked to consequence? We end up in black holes, uncertainty, cycles, counter intuitive concepts that leads us in the null of empty space " history repeats itself.."



    Lets face it, to advance to better technologies I think this would stand a good thought here..


    Don't get me wrong, we would be lost in outer space had it not been for our SI system.



    In regards to the meter and the speed of light " now "


    I do have an experiment, that proves that a white peace of paper does " show you colors" right in-front of your eyes.

    I am willing to copy it and post it here, to be printed and members here can see it for themselves..


    But I am not sure if anyone, in the history of science has noticed this, I have searched and searched in libraries " rare book section" online and etc and have had no results, so from what I know I am the only one whom has noticed this..


    It would be very embarrassing, had someone in the past did this, and I took some credit for their finds...

    This is why I am very careful with what I claim to be mine and mine only especially dealing with science..


    However, I have read that human perception " color " cannot see, say yellow and blue together " or something like that" as one solid color, because we as humans propagate light beams out of our eyes or something to that nature, I know it sounds crazy, I will try to find the link,,,I don't really remember it and it bothers me not to have the link. Anyone here read, heard about this??


    Moderator Note


    Moved to Speculations. Please keep new and odd notions to the Speculations Forum.



  11. By having, as a minimum, some of these characteristics:


    Being based on observation.

    Not conflicting with prior, thoroughly validated findings.

    Containing no illogical elements.

    Having tightly specified definitions.


    If the foregoing is true, I recommend you start a thread on a new topic.

    From your list there seem to be a perfect match, and yes I need to open a new topic on this...

    I would like to keep this one open for some time and contribute perhaps some things here that can serve in the new thread in regards to the meter and other units of measure, the micron being one, the milla being the other..

    This may make things " easier for all of us."



    I am concerned with this one though:
    Containing no illogical elements.
    My findings suggest that like terms , like the kind found in algebra, is a metric to metric conversion system.
    No, not a conversion unit table, but rather one that derives from a conversion unit table.
    It derives from metric to metric, and defines 1 in that derived metric of personal choice.
    Thus 1 would then be defined out of the scope of zero empty space " What Ever Space Is At This Point", but doing so " harmonically, modulated within the domains" infinitesimal frequency limit" ...Think in terms of harmonic oscillations. I think this is the reason for Eisenstein Field Equations Braking Down..IE "Black Holes."
    A measurement of mismatched impedance, its simply the phase, it is this meter rather this whole..
    And it is! It just gets very involving...
    This link here would describe this:
    Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is a measurement of mismatched
    impedance in an RF system and is stated as an X:
    Page 89, it is an incredible article by the way...
    Now,,Is this what illogical elements, means??
    If yes, and I assume this the case, then wouldn't anyone agree "then" why 1 must be defined.
    Conversely, things get weird at this point, because it appears to be inversely the opposite answer.
    Which may be why, " the universe appears to be static"
    When see illogical elements, I see unlike terms, sorry if this is incorrect, I will let you answer now :unsure:

    And thus the fact that pi squared equals 9.86960 actually naturally falls out from this choice for a meter.


    The half period for a simple pendulum is


    [math] T= \pi \sqrt{\frac{L}{g}}[/math]




    [math] \pi^2 = T^2\frac{g}{L}[/math]


    As already explained, The length L which solves this equation for T = 1sec was to defined as 1 meter. So we replace L with 1m. g is measured in m/s^2 so we replace it with X m/s^2 and replace T with 1s .


    In the resulting equation, all the secs and meters cancel out and you get


    [math]\pi^2 = X[/math]


    Ergo, the fact pi squared closely matches the number of meters per/sec/sec in one g is because the meter was based on a value that was dependent on both g and pi. No fundamental revelation of physics here.

    When you say:


    9.86960 actually naturally falls out from this choice for a meter.


    are you saying the mathematics naturally falls?

    the electro motive force?

    the potential energy?

    photo synthesis?

    electro static equilibrium?

    energy of a photon?


    Aren't these physical things?


    Or are you talking about energy? Frequency?



    What brings the source L " assume to be distance" back into balance " exponentially" Is it magnetism?


    Since variables mean many things, what is that big X mean??

    Yes I can see it is pi^2 = X, but why did you use a big X?


    Also can you show a numerical value if you may please, I am very confused on what you just stated.

    That square root is basically the exponent of X? x? You hear me now??


    From what I am seeing you can simply replace Coulumb's Constant By:



    Coulomb's constant Ke = 8.987551787*10e9 = 89875517870 C N*m^2*C-2




    Coulomb's constant Ke = 1 meter??


    What then would define this 1/2 cycle??


    Is it that square root in your " Example" ???


    And so does pretty much every other object in the universe. I don't see what that has to do with Pi. Except as we have now learnt, the meter is related to Pi.




    I am kind of a " retard" when it comes to understanding things in a practical sense...


    Anyone whom knows me, knows I have no ego, I am straight forward when I speak
    Are you saying that " some of you" here had no idea that Pi ratio" was connected to the meter??
    Please answer " Yes or No"
    If you say Yes, then this means that some people here did not know..
    If you say No, then this means that some people here did know..
    To imply we as I have noticed includes a whole group..
    Things like this, confuse me " seriously."
    Then I can " understand how to continue this INTRO conversation that appears to be legitimate for a New Topic on a new fundamental law I have discovered.

    It was the word "exponentially" I was objecting to. Obviously waves travel, they don't do it exponentially.



    Pinpoint the location of what?

    Obviously waves travel, in a sense here as waves, they don't physically though..



    I guess to proceed productively we will need to have a complex discussion in terms of Holographic Universe and The Plank "Scale." Those are the only choices open to a technical discussion on empty space's definition..Its like the ABS construct, and 26 letter limit a hurdle.



    Earth has an equal amount of negative and positive charges making earth an incredible reference point in space, its grounded.

    Thus pi ratio and earth represent that location in that space in that time or dimension.

    I will wait to see if others get what I just said...




    Space, does not necessarily mean the aether...


    When I say space I mean a Null solution to a mathematical balance of an imbalance of nature that follows time's intervals exponentially "Data" IE history and cycles, eras, time travel, the future the past, etc.


    In my opinion and experience in Theoretical Physics, our concept of "space" who cares about anything else" is also not fully understood...If how to solve the distance is the main concern, then the main concern does not have a solution because its empty right? Thus it does not exist.. Why bother?



    Since pi ratio is virtually used in " All known Equations" I am not going off Topic..

    If Moderators Warn Me About This, Then Ban Me Now....











    I am going to start typing the exact words here, so there is no confusion..




    -->Potential Energy or Kinetic Energy, which ever is which, for example, in the form of electrical engineering " suggest" that electron's have a potential energy when they are pulled away from their " natural" response to magnetism, and or the attraction of opposite charges. The resister, and or the loads, " absorb " this Potential Energy and transform the energy as a useful source for " man made creations." I assume this to be termed " Technology "? This is a man made basis, not even close to nature not fundamentally correct in any sense, because it goes against the laws of Nature.


    Potential Energy is a man made creation, not a natural solution to a balanced mathematical description of nature.

    Be carefull how you interpret this, as the physics on earth, is believed the same in all the universe, as such as in man made chambers here on earth of empty space, think about that.. They follow the same path as waves in matter and in "empty space" connected to history, data, and information..



    This would then imply earth as the center of the universe then, that is logical to think..

    Why??? Because we use pi ratio all the time in our equations..




    Like I said, Space, does not necessarily mean the aether...



    Now. I am not disagreeing with fundamental laws, I am questioning the integrity of our concept of " SPACE." As pure mathematics derives quantities that perform just as well in matter as in empty space, rather this be a vacuum or what have you.


    Again: Electro Magnetism is a Perfect Example here..



    I am greatfull for the SI units of which is a universal metric we would surely be lost..


    Now, I am not a big believer in all this by the way, but that is how physics works..I deal with pure dimensional analysis, no geometry either...Many Fundamentals Laws break down as speeds approach c, Coulomb's law is on of them,


    Elbert Einstein's Field Equations break down due to infinities, ie black holes..



    Again, I am not a big believer in all this by the way, so why mention it? Because it is a physical issue and mathematics is connected to it..


    This being the case, you can see why now this conversation requires an open mind a natural solution to a balance mathematical description of nature.




    I will not further explain anything in technical details, until I see others in an open minded discussion..


    It is just a coincidence. There is nothing special about 9.8 m/s/s. It is just the average gravity on Earth. It changes from place to place and with altitude or depth. And it depends on the (arbitrary) units used to measure it; it is about 32 feet/s/s and about 7.1*10^10 furlongs/fortnight/fortnight.



    They don't ravel "exponentially" (I'm not even sure what you mean by that.



    In peer reviewed journals.

    You are 100% correct, they " don't " travel exponentially, they remain " stationary" static in other words.


    However, this is " an inversion" issue " in a sense."


    For example, in telecommunications RF " electro" and magnetic waves, IE " two forms of communication that are coupled together, " both" travel in opposites directions from the source. But the source of propagation is the source where the waves initially are set this being at 0. IE, a device that creates magnetic fields for radio communication, internet, cell phones, etc.



    Units are chosen within certain acceptable and permissible guidelines within compliance and regulation IE safety purposes of which insures stability and proper " care" of devices that deal with " information technology" not to mention damaging equipment and etc. THAT IS A GOOD THING!



    However, these " regulations" have nothing to do with how nature regulates fundamental laws of which are not understood fully.The measurement problem is one of them, the gravity problem on the earth's surface is another.


    I want to also say Radiation Resistance...As per telecommunication and man made antennas of which I look at being no different than a metric system that describes the fundamental properties of the " source" in question, in this case the distance from the origin.



    Radiation resistance






    Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
    For example here, VSWR " information and frequency waves" 'some" cannot be matched to the source. I assume the guidelines of the chosen metric preference or the math that describes the base of that system would initially set the source to 1.
    However, since they are both " electric" and magnetic frequencies involved here, your statement of they don't travel exponentially is true " physically" due to the nature of squared units.
    Just an example here:
    IE [magnetism = 1 + electrical = 1] = x^2 = 0... Just plug in the variables??
    How would you derive anything then?? x^2=-1 it is merely the square root of the exponent, and is not helpful due to the nature of imaginary units being 1/2 real "exponentially" that is why we are left with uncertainties, probabilities, that are counter intuitive...
    VSWR Definition
    1.0:1 One to one. Exact match. An ideal that cannot be accomplished
    with current technology.
    1.5:1 One point five to one. Good match. Only 4 percent loss in power.
    2.0:1 Two to one. Acceptable match. Approximately 11 percent loss
    in power.
    6.0:1 Six to one. Poor match. Approximately 50 percent loss in power.
    10:1 Ten to one. Unacceptable match. Most of the power is lost.
    infinity:1 Infinity to one. Useless to measure, as the mismatch is so great.
    Now, Perhaps I should have mentioned " particles waves" as standing waves in a virtual " your words"
    It changes from "place to place and with altitude or depth."
    My focus is more concerned with the place and altitude... It appears to describe a flat hyper surface, that is " virtually" in all places and in all locations in space that is "static." But I am trying to avoid, the words, Quantum Realities, Plank Scale, QED. Although I think this is far more incredible.
    We will eventually need to add those to this topic, somewhere...
    You are 100% correct, they " don't " travel exponentially, they remain " stationary" static in other words" " standing still", of which does not necessarily guarantee a productive form to derive things from, at least from my point of view, or perhaps remain within boundaries and limits of something that has no dimensions nor direction at least in a Quantized Form, frequencies waves and information in other words..
    Again. I want to make it clear you are correct in the physical cases of science.
    So I guess the issue is getting pi ratio's absolute value, so we can pin point its physical location ;)
    When I say its physical location, I mean its frequency, since a wave can act both as a particle and wave, you can just imagine how " umm" I am lost for words here" science would be...
    However, I need to hear it from a true scientist..
    How would that change the whole of science????
  15. If pi ratio " was" squared and = 9.8 m/s/s how would this change the whole of science?


    To continue, and if their was "a physical unit of measure" to prove pi ratio squared "is" = 9.8 m/s/s provided for the science community, how could this be tested to be proven physically?


    I am aware that frequencies waves travel exponentially to infinity either in a medium and or vacuum.


    I am 100% certain, that our concept of infinity " does " have an end, within a system's metric of measure.


    If it is true that 9.8 m/s/s is due to acceleration on the earth's surface, then the issue is defining 1 as in my findings states that 1 = 0^.5 "exponentially" in relation to acceleration on the earth's surface...Meaning that it appears to be that distance does not exist..



    What new discoveries can this provide QED, QM, Radio Frequencies??



    I am curious to know....





    Another question:


    How does, a " new " fundamental law of nature get published?














    Which word is tripping you up?

    Let me break it down for you...



    So what you want is a quick fix, a way to circumvent your accumulated negativity and start a fresh; understanding why you have accrued such a score would be far more productive than trying to circumvent it.



    It sound like you are describing a mechanical dildo here. Are you an inventor with a drippy OPPS I mean trippy mind and twist??

  17. The problem with this post is that it has the tone that it thinks it's being smarter than it actually is.



    It's actually Hamilton mechanics and it's E=1/2mv^2


    As for the rant using blacks and homosexuals etc these are completely false. Being racist of homophobic is judging a whole group of people based on one external factor that they usually don't have much influence on. The rep scoring system is offering a judgement on one person (not a group) based on their actions that they have influence on, furthermore they can redeem their rep by shaping up. Being racist or homophobic is completely opposite to the rep system and actually it was fairly pathetic to chuck that in. In my experience people usually chuck these points in because they are losing and want bully or smear the other person. I don't know your motive but seriously in the future think twice before chucking in racism and homophobia.


    As for the rep system it's good for both parties. (as a side note you shouldn't stress over what strangers think of you over the internet life is tough enough). If you're debating with someone they will sometimes never admit that they are wrong just out of sheer stubbornness. I've had it where someone has completely misread what I've written and went off on a rant that actually back up my claim, when I pointed it out to them they edited their, flipped the argument on it's head so the rant would then go against me. I then had a a bias view towards his posts after that and took what he said with a pinch of salt. However, if I got multiple negative votes for a post it would prompt me to look back at what I said and evaluate it.


    Rep is also good for the other party, if there is a debate and the person really isn't budging and the conversation is becoming cyclic then you can look at his rep. If it is really good then it would be good for me to look back at my posts but if the rep is a huge negative value then you shouldn't worry too much. This is only a snap shot. I am aware that you have a negative rep but you are taking steps to learn maths and you have posted statuses pointing out that you realize that physics is a lot harder than you thought. Because of this Because of this I have more time for you than 2 people I particularity know who have positive reps but in my opinion spew complete trash most of the time.

    As I have already stated, I am greatfull for this rep system..


    You don't need to lecture me on what is tough, you don't know me,, on another note, my reply was intended for







    why would you answer for this person and try to twist my words???


    There is much evidence on gays and blacks and bias towards them, it simply starts by one person stating something negative,



    Jim Crow laws was an idea that started off as a Broad Way show by one person, stemmed off as a BAD REP for blacks




    So what you want is a quick fix, a way to circumvent your accumulated negativity and start a fresh; understanding why you have accrued such a score would be far more productive than trying to circumvent it.

    huh???? :blink:


    can you please make sense or talk English>>>>???


    Or maybe it is based on the content of your posts...

    Or maybe their is no other way to describe it based on the Theory and The Application of the 26 letters in the alphabet...


    Observation: iNow wrote a very eloquent, original, and nuanced response to your question about bad reputation in the workplace. You respond with the above, which is a classic Strawman fallacy. You can't address his argument, so you build a different argument (that he's just saying you're being silly) and address that only. And then off you go into your own copypasta rant style, completely ignoring the other sides of this conversation.


    Are you sure a blog wouldn't suit you better? I'm asking seriously. A lot of people don't understand the dynamics of discussion forums. They show up, throw up, shake up, and think they're communicating. The rest of us are sitting at various tables talking about science subjects, and suddenly there's a person standing next to the table shouting at us. Pull up a seat and talk, or go write a blog. You can even pull up a seat here AND write a blog here, but you can't blog in the discussion areas. This is one reason people get bad rep.

    So calling someone silly is a nice thing????


    Why not call someone a Bitch or a Whore??




    I have never ever called anyone here Silly or Dumb,,, HAVE I??








    I don't write blogs " at least not anymore", I've assisted in news paper articles, am a music producer, artist developer and have worked with some of the most " famous names" in entertainment. One thing however I hold solid stubborn foundation is " option based" system of any that deal with a reputation system " because it has pros and cons" and should be handled with utmost care.. I have seen a celebrities credentials online go down from 1,000,000 likes to bout 5,000 just because someone said they were gay, atheist, are said fuck " some group" in an interview...



    No one would ever know that the artist is " celibate" spiritual ' OPPS!" and is a genuine loving being with a big heart, does not evolved in the typical " famous people bullshit " atmosphere crap" and prefers to understand science and philosophy...


    But then again, if the artist is a top notch sexy Greek God, no wonder they would disappoint soOO many and have a neg rep.



    That is one example of why I hold solid stubborn foundation on " option based" system of any that deal with a reputation system " because it has pros and cons"




    As I have already stated, I am great full for this type of system we have here, not to mention others willing to help others and taking time to respond " time is money", of which I always state I am great full for..It is the only way I can learn and grow from my mistakes. I would never in 1,000 years be whom I am now, had it not been for HONEST CONSTRUCTIVE CRITIQUE,




    Here is an idea!



    Their should be weekly discussions, and or periods in where " everyone" with a bad reputation should meet here with moderators and have a conversation in where they feel they have improved, if the moderators feel they have then their negative reputation should be cleared off to a fresh new start otherwise "they will not get looked at in the areas they have improved when " new members visit their profile." GET IT??? Your Evolution of Time System History Here needs updating!


    This perhaps also would inspire the member to improve in better ways, and maybe if they do become a success he or she, wont be a bitch or an asshole to others when they are in high positions...IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME BY THE WAY. ;)


    Moderator Note




    Unless this thread gets back on the topic of reputation AND in doing so asks novel questions or raises new points that have not been already discussed in one of the previous thread I shall lock it.


    Any repeat of such a wandering and shouty post as you last will be hidden. If you wish to post messages like that - then take Phi's advice and do it as a blog.


    Please use normal size and colour font - you can highlight words for effect or emphasis but whole sentences in large red typeface is distracting and annoying.


    Do not respond to this moderation


    May I ask, why are other Moderators, having a conversation with me>>???


    Also, why does my profile say SENIOR???


    I am not a senior, I am a former music producer and model.... I would prefer to have the reputation of someone that is young, otherwise people will think I am an older person that does no know what they are talking about that would then define why I don't know so much about science yet, at least in conventional terminologies.


    Perhaps maybe this will help others understand my level and science education...

  19. Is it better to leave them uncorrected, so that they remain dumb?


    If someone lacks the self confidence to be criticised, then perhaps science and a science forum are not for them.



    As has often been noted, science is not about the truth, but about as accurate a description of reality as currently possible. Some member's passion is so great they fell strongly they are espousing the truth when they are actually talking bollocks. Do you think it is wrong to point that out?


    What does that have to do with Rep points on this forum?


    The consensus opinion as expressed here appears to be that negative input for negative posts is a good thing; that there is a mechanism for correcting ill applied neg rep; and that if it ain't broke don't fix it.


    In what way does applying a negative Rep "make it worse"?


    The sort of posts that get negative rep do not have anything of value to add to any theory. Most of them would devalue a garbage tip. You are being silly.


    You will know that anecdotal evidence is next to worthless in science.

    I think you may not fully understand what I am talking about here and may just be trying to further aggravate the situation by " saying I am being silly "


    So if I am being silly, what is the whole point of copyright laws?

    Why do big Corporations Patent their inventions created by scientist???


    Its called ownership of the inventor and protection of theft

    Einstein's original contribution (E=mc^2)is actually derived by simply substituting the speed of light ©into a Newtonian equation: E=mv^2

    I took this off the internet, however, it should be to no surprise, FACE IT! Your great scientists took ideas from each other and have GREAT REPUTATIONS!












    Upon what else do you recommend reputation should be based if not the opinion of others?


    And why do you care so much about what those particular people think?


    Probably not, but I suppose it depends on the role. Let's delve a bit deeper into this comment though by asking, "WHY wouldn't I hire someone with a bad reputation?"


    Well, that's pretty easy. If they have a bad reputation, it means they probably struggle to adapt to the expectations of the group around them. It probably means they have a difficult time fitting in and will likely cause frustration and discord and unnecessary distraction for other team members. It probably means they either lack the self-awareness or self-control required to modulate themselves in various group settings and so will be difficult to trust. It means they are probably either too ignorant or too lazy to recognize which of their behaviors have led to their bad reputation and to adjust those behaviors accordingly. It probably means they are so self-absorbed that they either don't see or don't care how their reputation is impacting their ability to be successful and productive. It likely means they either can't learn to improve themselves or they simply choose not to.


    Given this, there is little compelling reason to offer such a person an opportunity on my team, so of course I probably wouldn't hire them. They're likely to do more harm than good to the group dynamic and to the well being of the others under my charge.


    AFAIC, it's not so much the reputation that is important here, but instead what the reputation suggests about that person, their character, and their abilities.







    I Hate Waiting On Black People





    Which Race Hates Blacks The Most?




    The social construction of stupid black people







    Why would your team feel frustration and discord and unnecessary distraction from the person with bad reputation??? Unless you all think the same of a " particular group of people" then this would be reasonable to think!





    are these facts, or something " you were led" to believe about the person????

    IE their reputation....




    So say the person is a:


    a homosexual around homophobic people

    a black person around white people

    a rapper around a christian group

    a lesbian around an all female society





    I think you get the point and I think we are all smart enough to figure out your reply here....


    However what about if the person is:


    anti social

    does not believe in anything the world tells them

    thinks " human are all crazy and waked in the head

    simply cant be bothered with typical conventional and practical " subjects "




    Unless anyone " here" does not have personal experience dealing with the news media the music world and or fashion world and do not have chronological personal experiences dealing with " large amounts of people's perceptions" of which is solely based on marketing strategies, I would suggest researching this area to get familiar with the reasoning of Reputation and its legitimacy of success and failure on behalf of the willing or betrayed...


    Without having to be under the conventional application it is always best to use one's own judgement and intuition of what " they feel" is the correct method of probing the integrity of an individual.

  20. Moderation is a form of negative input, as well., but necessary. Unmoderated fora are cesspits.


    So to me the argument that it's negative feedback doesn't hold water. Negative feedback does have the ability to dampen out noise.

    " Of coarse negative feedback is necessary" how would anyone learn anything if they are always lied to?



    The issue I have is in " member's profiles" Like in my case here "I have a bad reputation" solely based on others opinion.

    It is publicly seen by anyone, not so skilled in critical thinking to understand that the reputation may be solely based on the premise for scientific discipline " here" from others members whom are willing to read, 'spend their time" and show concern for other members passions and inquiries on science.


    The only thing that gets in the way is that not all people think the same when someone has a bad reputation....WOULD YOU HIRE SOMEONE WITH A BAD REPUTATION??? THINK ABOUT IT??






    Fired Over Facebook: 13 Posts That Got People CANNED

  21. There have certainly been people who have done this, but it is almost always very, very obvious. If a member doesn't notice the sudden jump in another person's rep, staff do and since staff can see who has given out rep points and can figure out if they are sock puppets, the person will be caught pretty quick. In those cases, the reputation given is normally reversed, the sock puppet is banned and the member who created it gets an official warning.



    Here I would disagree. For the most part, what I have noticed is that members who demonstrate a certain level of aggressiveness, wilful ignorance and/or stubbornness about a topic will get negative rep points. This happens often in Speculations, but it does not seem to be the case for someone who is willing to accept and learn from criticisms.


    One other counterpoint to your claim is in the fact that many OP's in Speculations do not have any rep points, negative or otherwise. According to your logic, if a member got neg rep points simply for sharing their non-mainstream views and hypotheses, then the OP's of the threads in Speculations should have a lot of neg rep points. And yet they don't.

    You words: someone who is willing to accept and learn from criticisms.


    Like I said, it makes other members look dumb//


    does this also apply to professional scientist here>>>?


    Some members just may have a passion with telling the truth, even though other members disagree with it,,,


    The whole point is getting rid of this reputation deal here.

    Their is a big issue on social media that " allows" negative people's input to be seen by virtually anyone, this is unfair, and its POLITICS!



    You Tube does this too, its a psychological tactic that drives traffic on the internet, people are really getting bored of it, unless, this is a way to restrict people and keep them in "Check"






    Yes their are some people here that have no clue about what they are talking about, reputations only make it worse, besides at the end of the day, its all about SCIENCE FACTS, VERSUS OPINIONS RIGHT??




    On another note, What if the negative reputation is tactic to get members to share more and more of their theories and ideas, so that " other members" can take them and add them to their own theories and ideas???



    I caught onto to this not too long ago, people whom do this, should be ashamed of themselves!




    lets face it, Science is no different than fame, glamour, luxury and money.

    I talk from experience here.. ;)

  22. I don't see how not being explicitly notified as to which of your posts gained rep points really negates what I've said. To my mind, the types of posts that lead to positive and negative rep points are made fairly obvious by reading threads and observing where membership has doled them out. I don't think you don't need exact knowledge of where you've gained or lost points to have that sort of understanding.


    Regardless, I think you've taken what I've said for something else. You seem to be suggesting that the point of the reputation system is so you can engineer posts to tell people what they want to hear rather than what you actually want to say. I have no doubt that some people use it to that end and that it works for that purpose. In my opinion, however, I think that the intention was and is to motivate members to make posts that are thoughtful, well researched and well written.

    Whats to stop member's of having "UM"---> " MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS" and vote for their own post thus giving them a "GREAT REPUTATION????"


    Personally I think, this "reputation" causes issues " when" people in general share their own insights on either science, mathematics or any other topics that deal with:


    The Uncertain And The Unknown------->Basically Science..



    This reputation deal, causes issues, friction and a tense atmosphere because of mixed emotions and or facts on the topics that others disagree with which has nothing to do with the OP!




    Not to mention the integrity of the post in general, some people may just want to get noticed by others here with " popular work and science positions" trying to make other members with legit post " look dumb" and not liked." It makes the forum " look bad."



    However, lets face it, Science is no different than fame, glamour, luxury and money.

    I talk from experience here.. ;)




    Reputation in any case, is solely based on " politics" nothing more nothing less.

    Anyone can be anyone on this forum, " IE " profiles photos suggest this.....


    Its also known that Scientist have BIG EGOS, this also gets in the way of this reputation deal here..


    Again I say:


    Science is no different than fame, glamour, luxury and money.

    I talk from experience here.. ;)


    No, not at all. Math need no have any application to the physical world. I can have orthogonal mathematical functions that have an infinite number of dimensions. There's abstract math and weird geometries and more that people study that have no application to the physical world. That's not to say that someone won't eventually find an application, but the fields are studied for their own sake, not because there is a physical application.


    Simple example: a Klein bottle. A 3-D entity which closes in on itself with no intersections, basically a 3D version of a Möbius strip. Impossible to physically exist, but trivial to represent in mathematical terms.



    IN THIS:


    I can have orthogonal mathematical functions that have an infinite number of dimensions. YOU NAILED IT VERY GOOD ON THE DOT...


    I always wondered about this very thing! And it frustrated me very much. I think I am at the level now in where I am understanding that science is way more than just numbers and mathematical relations.



    So about infinite, how can we place a limit on something " physically" infinite though??? ;)

    And yet expect some type of meaningful prediction?


    The only thing I would assume would be the limit on the physical system's energy?

    In this case, the mass and the diameter...I see this to be the only method we have that allows something physical described by numbers and math.

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