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Everything posted by Iwonderaboutthings

  1. Yes very true indeed and thanks for the message, I will try my very best with what you have suggested although I know it might me a tedious task I know the rewards will be worth it in the future. Very Interesting! Yes please let me know more information please
  2. Not at all I am being couscous. Knowing how to calculate the forces of nature is one thing, but understanding the forces of nature is another...I respect the unknown very much and have top-most respect for them..They normally don't teach these in schools, you can say I learned through trial and error, you become wise... Now, I have answered questions here to the best of my ability, please show me a "standard" method of how you would like me to continue the discussion as per requested by the " other member" I am sure you have been reading " precession<------------YES that is the issue. I have read your questions, thanks and I will do my best to get back with the answers soon..
  3. Make and post a plot of measurement Can you help me do this " the standard scientific way please??? I don't have a laboratory, I only use math. I am eager to see what I find with my space vectors... Observation from nature How do you do this " the standard scientific way please??? Yes I have seen derivatives examples on line, but unsure if they were " explained" correctly.
  4. YES PLEASE! I have been searching and searching but never did get lucky, I assume this " could be possible" because when creating the UV Texture Maps for game models it " resembles a type manifold" and or atlas. The program also has a physics engine. Texture Maps: here is an image of this: http://www.csit.parkland.edu/~dbock/Class/csc189/Lecture/CharacterTexturing_files/image079.jpg You mention a 4 coordinate system. Would this be the same as: top, left, bottom and right perspective?? NOTE: am not to sure about the front perspective being valid though. The reason for this is called I think the frustum, in where it is only valid for the " user" Frustum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frustum This considereds a 180 degree "digital camera" that is looking at you as opposed to you looking at the game, I am not joking! and yes its weird. BUT also, 3d programs have digital cameras too: top, left, bottom and right perspectives= 4 coordinate systems? Adding the cameras 4 of them would total an 8 coordinate system???? To answer your question: The third dimension for modeling as I know it, allows a 3d "primitive" to be translated freely " while modeling this" with no need for top, left, bottom or right perspective. So long as you are in the user perspective window not necessarily the orthographic view. However, I find this orthographic view very annoying because as I look at this it kinda looks off in a sense when I am modeling a 3d mesh. But! Each window in the 3d program must have a "camera" and that " camera" cannot be moved, otherwise the: top, left, bottom and right perspective will be off, and the modeling " vertices" too will be off. Which is why I prefer to model in perspective view.
  5. Can my 3d video game program be used as Cartesian Coordinates for Space Time And Relativity?? Yes I am lazy I am having problems with visualizing QM wave functions. What I want to do is use my 3d modeling program of game creation, and just use this to build things such as: Minkowski Space, Lorentz Transformations and etc. But I want it to work as the equations themselves and see the visual results and take photos of my ideas, not sure if this is possible??? Minkowski Space https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minkowski_space I would take say a 3d mesh sphere = a particle, and place it at position x , y directions and animate this. But not sure of z though as this is just depth in computer game software.. My 3d program also has a feature to set the world metric system of units to meters, so I think this could work... Thanks!
  6. I should have said " the inverse square law" rather like a big jig saw puzzle
  7. You say to build a better mouse trap I agree! So then: Should a denominator be a value that is " always constant"? In other words when inquiring a dirivitive, shouldn't the denomination be pi in its absolute decimal representation?? This would take care of that new mouse trap The reason is because this "may" help as to why c, pi ratio and phase cycles are connected to electro magnetism or something to that nature. This would replace the 1 deal we see all the time with Lorentz transformation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_relativistic_equations Pure thought here but As c = 1 second as time, this is not possible because 1 still needs to be squared. The reason for this is in E-mc "squared" The only method that for x^2 = 1 is x = +-i. or something to that nature. To answer your question: The issue is how c, h and G are all " somehow" related in the sense of time this is fact. But then time has no rest mass or something to that nature. Sin waves used by QM are then used as mentioned above. But, if time is known to be everywhere then how on earth can anything be relative to anything?? Better yet what is relative to time itself? I sure don't know, is it 1? what is that relative too? To place units in Cartesian Coordinates and not know what is relative to the Cartesian Coordinates themselves is " strange." My opinion here. There is no information on this out there. Better yet how can random numbers represent time and units and be somehow derived?? Here are some links to errors of h Titled: Determination http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_constant In principle, the Planck constant could be determined by examining the spectrum of a black-body radiator or the kinetic energy of photoelectrons, and this is how its value was first calculated in the early twentieth century. In practice, these are no longer the most accurate methods. I'm just going to keep copying and pasting this: So, I guess the answer is no then, you can't answer my question pertaining my --> OP
  8. Thanks for replying. What is the non inertial earth frame? Buy the way, why do I have a -1 for asking a question???
  9. The double slit experiment tested over and over again, suggest that the electron knows it is being watched. If so then could "matter" know it is being watched by people. For example could my bath tub know I am watching it?? If yes: Why does it remain the same stationary size? Why does it not move away from me? Why does my bath tub stay at rest? Even better, how does my bath tub keep it's shape?? Are those the gluon particles? Thanks in advance.
  10. That's your opinion, and well respected. I am not a believer in Newton, But I respect his attempts and field of study but that's how I think, this is how you think. Oh by the way: Sir Issac Newton's study of the Great Pyramid of Giza http://www.gizapyramid.com/newton.htm Is Quantum Mechanics Incompatible with Newton’s First Law of Motion? http://arxiv.org/vc/arxiv/papers/0705/0705.4455v1.pdf Bermuda Triangle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bermuda_Triangle So, I guess the answer is no then, you can't answer my question pertaining my --> OP Giving me a -1 reputation will not change facts, you still have not answered my question pertaining to my OP.
  11. 'fitting parameters' sounds exactly what I was thinking but sometime it is best to ask at least for me. Sorry, I still have problems with proper terminologies. So then 'fitting parameters' can be changed in the sense of further finding match-able "sound" parameters with the ones we currently use. Could a wave function per say do this? Setting x as pi ? That may sound crazy, but I am asking just a question here. OR, could dimensional analysis be fine too? And what type of math do you recommend ? My gosh I feel embarrassed for you and the chemist Philosophy and especially the Universe go hand in hand. So " assume " there is an exception with your suggestion. It seems to be unavoidable. Now, for the sake of others whom will read this thread here are some links to this fact. Sir Issac Newton's Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophi%C3%A6_Naturalis_Principia_Mathematica Galileo (Italian philosopher, astronomer and mathematician http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/224058/Galileo The Life Force of Sacred Sites : Shirley MacLaine http://shirleymaclaine.com/articles/sites/article-315 Philosophy of mathematics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy_of_mathematics Eternalism (philosophy of time) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternalism_(philosophy_of_time) At any moment you are more than welcome to join in on my OP. I may not know proper terminologies I am still young here, but I am willing to learn them.
  12. REALLY??? Why does sun light from outer space have effects on serotonin secretion in the human brain??? Are you sure your a chemist expert??? SORRY TO BE THE ONE TO ASK YOU THAT. Unraveling the Sun's Role in Depression http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/news/20021205/unraveling-suns-role-in-depression Why is the double slit? Where does human energy " the spirit come from?" Why is the human body made of star dust?? Why in QM are the laws of Attraction? Why does positive thinking promote good health? Why do animals have more senses than humans?? Where did humans comes from?? Why do we have free will? What is love? And can " love" both be shared with: men and men woman and woman man and woman Why does music sound appealing? Why do people pass away from old age? I have answered questions "politely" and paid respect as I have been recommended... I have no idea why you are commenting on my " personal" opinions and are disbelieving me, I am not a minister here. We all have our point of view and in the Country I live in I have the right to freedom of speech. On another note you have not answered my OP question. Perhaps maybe you don't know how to answer my question??? Here it is again: With this new information " steradians" can my questions still be applied, mind you these are just ideas and thoughts. Maybe there is more to these fundamental constants we are not looking at.... Whom Knows. But just a note: I study fundamental constants, I have this passion with them you can say. I know that the more we study these, perhaps in time we can find more meaning to their consistency which of coarse can explain so many other exciting things about the world and the universe we live in I don't believe in luck though, I believe in creativity. If you can convince me that your " thoughts" can be measured away from one thought to the next, as with dx you have my up-most respect, until then, what makes sense to me does not with you... Its called relativity FYI, I was answering someone's question, you seem to be instigating a debate and diverging my OP, please do not do this..... In a sense, thanks I was asking about If Hydrostatic Equilibrium Explains Pi Radians.. The human body thing was my personal thoughts for another member's question here. If mathematics shows no common relation to what it represents, then we truly live in a system that depends on another system that have no relation other than what people choose them to be??? You got to be joking right?? Nothing really wrong with that I suppose until a system needs a serious upgrade.
  13. My apologies I meant steradians, but this is the first time I have ever heard of the word steradians so thanks!, I looked it up and now understand why I could not place my questions correctly, but yes I mean now steradians not necessarily (solid angle) but if this needs to be then yes solid angle). However here it shows pi ratio being used with something refereed to as: Subtended angle? Not sure if this is radians though.. Subtended angle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subtended_angle Your question: What do geodetic potentials have to do with geometric constants? My answer in theory only and is my opinion. I don't believe that fundamental constants are used properly. The reason for this. c, pi ratio, g, h and G including the number 1 itself, are all used "simultaneously" with different types of styles in math. It makes no sense whats so ever to me. The human body does not work in this fashion. The lungs don't digest, the heart does not think, the skin does not talk. It is obvious that if this is fact, and the human body is a creation of nature, then the same should hold true for numbers that represent this as fundamental constants of nature. In this case I believe fundamental units are not being used in a organized fashion. Rather this be true or incorrect, these forces have been here for millions of years since physics, and QM ever was. I would love to meet the person whom said, " If it is not broke then don't fix it." Science at times should question, "Should We" versus "What If we." Our world is falling apart, the economy is crazy, lay offs are all over the world. Science does not have all the answers I am sure I don't because I question my knowledge and know that there are errors in my field of study from those whom wrote the books. Nothing should not stop us from questioning these fundamental constants that seem to " just work." With this new information " steradians" can my questions still be applied, mind you these are just ideas and thoughts. Maybe there is more to these fundamental constants we are not looking at.... Whom Knows. But just a note: I study fundamental constants, I have this passion with them you can say. I know that the more we study these, perhaps in time we can find more meaning to their consistency which of coarse can explain so many other exciting things about the world and the universe we live inI don't believe in luck though, I believe in creativity.
  14. Can Hydrostatic Equilibrium Explain Pi Radians??? In this article here titled: The shape of a planet in hydrostatic equilibrium http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02507222 It states the following: A new technique for computing gravitational equilibrium surfaces (considering gravitational and rotational potential) as a function of depth is presented here for a hydrostatic planet, i.e. a planet where rigidity is neglected. NOW, My reasoning behind Pi Radians is because it results in a perfect 1/2 of a circumference when used with a length that is not a multiple of 2 " from what I know." Hydrostatic Equilibrium also refers to " trajectories", Kepler orbits and Parabolic coordinates of which are similar to this perfect 1/2 of a circumference. Radial trajectory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radial_trajectory Parabolic coordinates http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parabolic_coordinates Could these trajectories be the result of pi radians " perfect half arcs and or half circles, where again rigidity is neglected of the object in question in this case example only: earth or any other celestial body? If this " could " be the case then shouldn't pi radians be times 2 for the diameter and then times this diameter by pi itself for this perfect circle or sphere? Where rigidity again is neglected for the celestial body such as earth per say? This somehow does not make sense to me.. pi times diameter = circumference, but that must mean that their are 2 different pi ratios used then, because of the Hydrostatic Equilibrium. Been on this for a some time now and still I have no answer.
  15. Equilibrium yes! now it is more clearer to me and now things make more sense, thank you so much your time is appreciated and I will get further skilled with this.
  16. What I find very very hard to grasp is this part "additional sodium atom for everyone in the original mixture" So what you are saying is that it "is" possible that from "out of no where" multiple sodium atoms can be created??? I'm not sure if I understand this correctly sorry, however, I am grateful you have responded... When I read out of no where, I am thinking exactly that. If this is the case then how on earth can that be?? Conservation of mass? As in energy neither creates nor destroys?? Like E=mc sqrd?? Thanks YIKES! That sounds very true. But does this balance = proportionality, inverse of something, is it a product?? You see what I really have issues with is visualization, you see now we have " numbers" and variables ds dx and so on.. Its as if though we have several things to balance here: My #1 round off errors, bases of ten, h, c, pi ratio, the numbers, and SI units all together. These then are attached to: Units Velocities Stock Market Genetics And so fourth.. Its the numbers I have problems understanding and they these somehow balances other things in science.
  17. Why do calculations need to be balanced anyone? Yes I understand how a check book needs to be balanced otherwise you get over-drawn. However that is a man made system of monetary. How does that apply to chemistry, nuclear engineering, and even in Wall Street IE Stock Market? I don't get it nor fully understood this for many years. For instance, how can something be balanced using pure math and numbers? To me this sounds impossible especially when this is linked to chemistry and other physical natural laws of the universe, unless their are constants of some kind? IE : percent used for money, pi ratio, the speed of light, g for science? This being the case then maybe this gives me some insight. I assume it is a harmony of some kind that is needed to balance out equations, but how can harmony be applied to a man made concept of balance when all we have are numbers? Thanks in advance
  18. That will only impress others.The best thing is try to understand math, seriously without this you won't have a model to back up any replies pertaining to questions asked to you. Math is also needed for visualization. You Tube has many incredible videos on math, I urge you to check them out, its worth it trust me... I have learned both there and in books. In reality though once you "get it" you will be able to create Theoretical Math Models and get creative. I would recommend you get familiar with Dimensional Analysis first before you venture into any math studies. The reason for this is because of your particular inquires, plus I know math will will be easy for you. It takes some patience, the universe was not created over night
  19. My apologies and yes I truly believe that explanations should infact be simple, but QM deals mostly with waves. I am questioning my judgement on understanding this whole area in general. However, you are very correct that QM seems to answer many questions. But there is the issue as what is relative to Cartesian Space in QM. This is where the math gets rather extreme, at least for me. What truly represents 1? Whom knows. It takes many many numbers to get a general idea. Since QM deals with the "unseen" the models involve many many calculations that at times you can get lost in all the numbers. I had 2 choices, either learn the math, or the technicals of QM and proper terminology. I choose to understand the math, and have a generalization of QM for verbal usage. I am finding that the math is a complete different concept in itself. That's my opinion..
  20. Could pi ratio also be configured in this fashion?? The reason for me asking is because how pi ratio is used in trigonometry to help guide satellites to and from earth in outer space rather " guided through" other motion moving planets moons and etc. Yes I kinda know what you may be thinking. But, pi ratio can be used as many scales including Quantum Atom Theory. The reasoning behind this is because of translations, but of coarse this is a circle we are talking about in respect to its diameter.
  21. Agreed. However, I am not really a believer in QM per say, but why do so many people make a big deal out of this?? Quantum Gravity, Technology, Time Travel, Hyper Cubes... The list goes on and on... Double slit experiment and the electron, very weird! I am assuming these experiment are true? Does matter know that it is being watched??? Where is the orbit for time dilation???
  22. Very true indeed but I am curios though in regards to compensation, would this be like the " inverse square laws?" per say. The reason I question this and quote, "this won't sound correct" but time being constant somehow puts back what we take out. Perhaps even when using fundamental constants? You will have to excuse my reply I still don't know how to use the multi-quote button sorry. I will need to copy and past your question for now "AND" do my best to answere. What I think causes some confusion in QM is how most if not all things require imaginary units used as Manifolds and Cartesian Coordinates. From what I gather they are mainly a numbering theory system only. your question: does what we call a Photon actually exist as an object? What I " think" that occurs with photons is actually what you stated "some sort of 'event' at the source and then later at the destination. Reminds me of imaginary units like a+bi where i can be either the area, locator, or even the tangent. However there are many ways to use imaginary units coupled with the system that uses them, not to mention theoretical mathematics. I like to think of this imaginary unit as the destination. Why did I focus on the imaginary unit if at all the explanation is correct? For me I believe it is an area worth study I believe there is the "event" you speak of. Your question of: And drifting a tad more, does the same apply to all the other elementary particles? QM uses something called the forbidden regions. Despite all the technical aspects if you are not skilled in some pretty " fancy" math, you won't understand the " why." And it is this why that causes much confusion with h, c and gravity. From what I understand it has something to do with SI units and how the h constant is " somehow" not compatible with other units of measure. To make matters even worse, classical formulas are used by QM operators from what I know. Until the forbidden region used in QM are fully understood the answers no matter how complex correct and etc, will remain a general concept that helps us all. One thing is certain, " numbers" are the force carriers of all things. These numbers represent that of which is missing as the force itself. I like to think of these numbers as " anti-units" the remnants of an event per say. Decoherence and Hidden Variables http://www.scottaaronson.com/democritus/lec11.html Kinematics: Free Fall Gravity Problem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVYkfgeP48U
  23. True, Well, I don't know how to ask this in proper terms, I will try. I thought that QM and particles in general described things that we interact with. Example: Double Slit. They say the electron changes when it is being watched "supposedly." Would this mean then that the walls in my room know I am watching it???? Crazy enough, could weather change and or be controlled by someone watching it, IE like sorcery ?? Not being funny but it does cross one's mind I am thinking that matter to the atomic scale is no different at larger scales since earth is a mere speck in the outer universe, human beings smaller than earth, insects being smaller than people and etc. "But" I may be wrong on this whom knows. I'm just thinking that " the quantum of action" allows this simultaneous instance of change for our seasons here on earth. True or false something does. Their is the issue with gravity being 9.8 m/s on the earth's "surface." Not sure if that was the standard unit though. The issue for me is what keeps atmospheric pressure contained " on earth " is it pressure coming from outer space?? Another example is how the sun seems to have no effect on earth's seasons due to the proximity of earth's orbit " oval like shape" around the sun. Maybe what can explain this is gravity and how earth seems to orbit something rather constant other than the sun itself, and maybe this is basically outer space in general coupled with atmospheric pressure whom knows keeping everything tight on the surface of earth. Also, many of NASA's videos on space "junk" found on you tube,reveal magnetic gaps at the north and south poles. I assume there is no gravity there? 0 degree centigrade? I can't help to think that there is more to this world than we already know or maybe simply not looking at. Where is the orbit for the '''LEAP YEARS""" LOL
  24. I am sure DH is incredible, but I don't rather accept their comment of "That was long and rambling, and perhaps dissembling" As something considered for me to listen to... Thanks for the heads up. Recently it has been stated by NASA, that "every" planet in our solar system is somehow changing. IE heating up, becoming volcanic and etc. From what I gather some of these planets have no " precession"? I am not sure. But I am curios though, if QM is not 100% understood, then how can anyone judge rather it is connected to weather systems or not? From what I know, the quantum of action allows movement of all things in the universe, so I guess this question is a valid one. I still have no facts, but I find seasons on earth to be very mystifying and intriguing to me. QM may have some answers due to its " waves" and relative reference points. But I often ask " relative to what?" I still don't know. So science created a system, called it a year and now people all over the world conform their lives to this. Is this correct to ask? There really is no point here, I am simply " wondering about things" and helping this forum grown with some topics.
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