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Everything posted by limukbohil

  1. Yes Mehtanol is more acidic than methane because of the oxygen (higher electronegativity) right? I know that the hydrogens outside of the two ketones are less likely to disociate than the carboxylic acid hydrogens (i think). But the two alpha hydrogens in between two ketones, aren't they more likely to dissociate? Wait... is hydroxly group more electronegative than a ketone? Does acidity have to be related to the alpha hydrogens? Now that i look at it... idk T.T -Thanks for the help
  2. I don't understand why carboxylic acid is more acidic than diketone with 2 alpha protons adjacent to 2 carbonyls Shouldn't the two ketones have more inductive effect on the alpha protons than one ketone and one hydroxide? Thank you for the help ^^
  3. i'm not sure if i really know how to figure out an aromatic compound For example, Pyridine I'm confused about the lone pair electrons on the nitrogen. Its not on the pi orbital because its on delocalized, right? That explains why pyridine has 6 pi electrons, all carbons are sp2 and the nitrogen is sp2 as well. Right? lol Another example that im not sure: Oxepin It has 8pi electrons because only one lone pair electrons on the oxygen is delocalized and not the other? Thank you for the help ^^
  4. OH CRAP!!! lol sorry THANK YOU
  5. I forgot to mention that the two bromides are in cis. (Sorry) Addition comes out as tran (pi bonds are anti) doesn't it? Thank you for fast reply ^^
  6. I don't know what reaction this is... 2-methyl-1-pentene + Br2 ---- CCl4 ---> 1,2-dibromo-2-methylpentane The book asked me what the major compound would be. I just want to know what type of reaction this is so i can figure out how they got that answer Thanks for the help ^^ (pressed enter accidentally so my title came out like that T.T)
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