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Posts posted by baigligan

  1. Originally posted by MajinVegeta

    In evolution, genetic mutations occur according to the enviromental changes. How EXACTLY does this happen? What initially makes the DNA mutate?? I really don't understand it.:confused:


    both cosmic and earth radiation are mutation factors.also chemical polution and some other things but they are not essential.do u know what horrible experimed made rissians at about 50 years ago.right after nuclear explosion 5000 solders passed trough centre where radiation was terrible high.today just one is alive.other are dead by cancer(in 98% of cases)all that i saw on "discovery chanel" an there was interview with this survivor.so this poor young guys was with terrible damaged DNA.so trough millions of years of evolution this little invissible rays changed slowly genes of creatures ,in 99,99% that was useless or even bad changes but this 00.01% was the usefull little bit wich natural selection kept alive(other with bad changes simply died)evolution is very slow process(comparing with human live)

  2. Originally posted by Sayonara³

    Interesting idea.


    Does this mean that if everybody was able to reverse the perceptive process in their brain, that in effect time would be running backwards? That would be quite handy.



    if our brains have this power to reverse everything in the world it will be possible but we should use so great souse of energy that u even cant image it.

  3. Originally posted by §lîñk€¥™

    Black holes (BH from hereon) are curious objects.


    The curious thing about them is that if you could watch something falling towards a BH you would never see it cross the event horizon (EH from hereon). For example, if I was watching a clock fall toward a BH, I would notice that it slows down more and more as it gets closer to the EH (it also would get dimmer and dimmer). This will always be the case from any view outside the EH no matter how long you wait. The clock will never be seen to cross the EH. It will slow down and then appear to be frozen (it won't be frozen but will be moving imperceptably).


    So does the clock ever actually cross the EH of a BH?


    I say it doesn't.




    when clock is falling into the black hole u see the reflection of lght that comming from it.also the incredible gravity field will changing the light from blue to red after that infra red an so on until u wont be able to see the wach because the energy of the light comming from it will be equal to zero.that mean black hole sucked all energy like vacuum cleaner and u cant detect the light.thats why it is called BLACK HOLE because nothing comming out even single bit of energy.so wach keeps falling into black hole but u will see the light slowly changing untill it dissapear. I AM NOT SHURE WHETER MY GRAMMAR IS RIGHT, but i hope u get the idea.

  4. time is something virtual.it is in our brains.we invent it to compare process in the world.thats why i think travel back in time is impossible because we should reverse all process in the universe.i terribly doubt can we make that. travel in the future is something possible i thing,because(if Einstein i right) when we travel with speed close to the speed of light(300 000 km.per second)process for us are slowing down so when for us is coming just next day for peole on the earth can be next milenium.

  5. Originally posted by RED FIRE COW

    I believe kids today will have serious social and depressive problems do to technology missuse, people dont even read books anymore, kids dont play outside as much and we dont have alot of faith in religion anymore.


    The Japanese are far more advanced in Technology and also have the highest suicide rate in the world.



    YEAH.i guess u are right(unfortunately)people geting more and more "fat bags" just because jogging ,swimming and etc. becoming more and more virtual(i mean on tv and games).so this way heart atacks and many other problems are groving.modern medicine keep this people a live but in free naturte there is no such thing like mercy.surviving only fittest.I AM NOT REVIVED HITLER but like i said modern medicine killed natural selection and nothing can stop jenetic trash to stay in our genes.its like a steam reactor.we keeping steam inside and not release it but pressure getting stronger and stronger.so as far we putting of explosion so powerfull it will be.

  6. Originally posted by Aardvark

    Thinking machines are our evolutionary enemies.


    At best we shall become childishly dependent upon them, never making serious decisions for ourselves, being allowed to do some things and not others, our civilization in the hands of another species, all major plans and decisions made without reference to our opinions by intellectually superior thinking machines.


    At worst, an absolute irrelevance, mankind will be placed in the role of mere biological specimen.


    The rise of the thinking machines is unstoppable. The material gains to be had from them will cause widespread adoption and use. Standing aside will merely cause a relevant culture to .......




    hello.the greatest enemy of human kind is modern medicine.i will ask me why. is so simple-there isnt such think like "NATURAL SELECTION" for humen beengs.so every kind of mutation keeps in our genes no matter is it usefull or bad for us.this way we are more and more weak against desseases.so medicine is humanity science but we are living on credit by ours grand grand grand .....parents because thy left for us healty genes wich we wasting so stupid

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