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Everything posted by svaric2

  1. well, the goop has been standing in open air for almost 4 or 5 days, and its volume is down to about half of what it was. It is a lot more viscous, and around the edges of the container is dried, flaky, light brown stuff. I'm assuming the alcohol is evaporating away. Can I eat it now?
  2. I think I filled the bottle only a quarter of the way, maybe like 6 or 7 tablespoons of vodka, but then it was a loooong time ago and I'm not 100% on that. Besides, if I can still smell the alcohol in that goop, then it obviously still has alcohol in it. Oh and by the way, I just found the little container, my mom didn't throw it away. You guys want to suggest anything I should do to it? Otherwise ill just, i dunno, throw it away or gulp it up.
  3. bad news, I left the goo on the countertop and I came back from school today, and it's gone. My mom thinks she threw it out. Bummer. But I still have the container with the cinnamon lump on the bottom, and I managed to get like two drops of the goo out of there and dilute with ~2 teaspoons of water. No precipitation. Darn, and Flashman, that was a great idea. lol. Oh well, you'll hear from me again in a year.... farewell. haha, yeah right. edit: oh and I don't think the alcohol vaporized out, there was still a semi-strong smell of alcohol in the goo. I could also taste it, don't worry, I only stuck the tip of my tongue on it. (teehee)
  4. Yeah, that was the first thing that came to my mind too, I remembered a lecture about pectin and carbohydrates few weeks before, but I'm hoping it's more complicated than that.
  5. First off, hey everyone, this is my first post on these forums. Im just a curious college student who's majoring in bio. But that's not important, what I want to know is what can possibly happen between 4 tablespoons of 80 proof vodka and 2 tablespoons of powdered cinnamon, stirred up, and left to sit at room temperature for, oh say, one whole year? Yep, a loooong time ago I saw a mythbusters episode where they were debating what mouthwashes work best, and they did a cinnamon and vodka mix that stood for, IIRC 4 weeks, (it came out still liquid and tinted very red), and that for some reason made me want to try it. So I took some vodka and some cinnamon and put it in a plastic bottle (the very hard to see through chemical resistant type), shaked it up and let it sit for about 4 weeks. When I checked up on it, it was just like the mythbusters' conconction, I used some of it and left a little in there. I just threw it in the back of a medicine cabinet and completely forget about it, so it's been sitting there for AT LEAST a year at room temp. Now, I was sorting through the cabinet and found it, and looked inside: the cinnamon is clumped and settled at the bottom, and there is about two tablespoons of alcohol in there. Or so I thought, until I poured it out. Let me see if I can explain clearly... the "liquid" I thought was alcohol was really liquidy goo, tinged like light maple syrup, and has the consistency of very runny mucus, but much more smooth and not clumpy. putting my finger on it, it sticks and I can pull my finger up almost 5 inches with it still holding on, but at the same time its so liquidy and runny. Smells like alcohol, but not that strong, and still smells like cinnamon. What could it be???????
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