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Everything posted by fairychild

  1. i disagree.. the ability to think does not depend on your vocabulary. in fact verbal words are a very primitive way to communicate.. i recommend combining it with folic acid because as far as i know the body cannot absorb B12 without it. a good way to boost brainpower is to fast. i do it for months now and i cleary feel that i am more aware of things happening around me than i have used to be.
  2. that was your assumption pal look.. i made my point before, take it or leave it.
  3. i gave it as an example to flesh out what i have inferred according to you.
  4. ..?? so u wanna say time and mass is always constant?
  5. nope.. definately not mate. there is no absolute reality from which u can derive an objective viewpoint. einstein in his first paper banished the concepts of absolute time and absolute space. there aint such a thing. if you move, your time will go different than someone else who stands still.. etc
  6. i disagree.. imo every person has his own reality. his own perception of things. no brain works exactly the same as any other. if you take mind altering substances like alcohol e.g. then your reality is different. if you take LSD then your reality and perception etc also changes. if you stop breathing you get dizzy .. see what i mean?
  7. this does also depend on what you define as equal... if you look at it from the viewpoint of just the existance of an object than the object is always equal to itself. unless it rots or whatever.. but thats something different.
  8. hmmm... ok i was wrong. however' date=' for a young child it may be the most abstract comparison, since he does not have the mental capability yet to go any further in abstraction. reality is something that lies in the view of the beholder. so the view of a child is very basic and for his reality it's ok to say every apple counts as 1. when you make the definition "1 object = 1" then it's regardless of any size or other difference anyway. this does not depend on who is looking at it. so if you would make the definition "1 small object = 1" and "1 big object = 2" then u still can say 1 == 1. so my point is, that it depends on how you interprete reality and what rules you define.
  9. apples or similar fruit is just an abstract way to explain a young child what 1+1 means and why it equals.. mmmmm.... damn where are my bananas
  10. yea there are tons of sources which arent scientific at all.. especially when it comes to mysticcal, spiritual or religious topics. even huxley writes in his doors of perception that potentially the human brain is capable of being aware of "everything happening somewhere in the universe" - which is totally nonsense and prooves at the same time that what he writes there in his book shouldnt be taken for granted. what i am looking for is a scientific, serious study of LSD and similar substances. not some popular scientific crap..
  11. i've read now many times about a specific filter between thalamus and cerebrum that prevents the brain of too much incoming signals. this shall include signals that are not necessarry for humans to survice and reproduce. the more incoming impulses the more it is filtered because everything incoming flows from the cerebrum back to thalamus preventing more to enter.. sort of so-called "psychedelic" susbtances like lsd, psilocin, mescaline, ... are capable of removing this filter (i assume due to their serotonine blocking) and let everything get in.. i have not found true scientific reports about this matter, so i give it a try here. has anyone heard about this?
  12. yea i wasnt sure whether this being medical or physic.. but anyway, i was interested particularly in the ED50 of plutonium, as i have read it's the most toxic substance known to men - so there must be a dosage that is not lethal but effective in terms of any possible therapeutical treatment. how much of Pu is lethal?
  13. hi all gurus, does anyone know the therapeutic index of plutonium? thanks
  14. hi all gurus, does anyone know the therapeutic index of plutonium? thanks
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