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    Earth Science

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hi everyone, Since this is my first post, I'll just quickly introduce myself; I have a Bachelor's in Biology and a Master's in Earth Science with a professional background including serving as an environmental health inspector focusing on water supplies and am currently serving as a Safety and Health inspector as well as instructing Environmental Science courses at a local community college in the evenings. So, here's my situation and question: After I finished my M.S. in 2011, I celebrated in relief that I had finally finished all the schooling that I wanted to complete (pursing a PhD for the next 5-8 years was completely out of the question due to both the huge cost and huge amounts of stress associated with it). However, I enjoy science very much and began looking up certain other types of credentials that could help add to my resume' such as licenses and/or certifications. I came across two organizations; the National Registry for Environmental Professionals (NREP) and the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES). Both of these organizations offer a credential known as the Certified Environmental Scientist (CES). Each organization required a varying degree of experience, education, and the passing of an exam. I was wondering if anyone in these forums has heard of (or has received) either of these credentials. Before I make the decision to pursue either one, I'd like to know if they are considered legitimate. By that I mean are they the equivalent to the Professional Engineer (P.E. credential) and the Certified Professional Geologist (C.P.G.) credential in the Environmental Science fields. In other words, what could I do with that credential that I couldn't with simply my B.S. in Biology and M.S. in Earth Science. In addition, if anyone knows any other licenses or credentials that are associated with my background, I'd appreciate it if you would list them. Thanks a lot, everyone.
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