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Everything posted by lunaprey

  1. Yes, I know what I'm doing is dangerous at least a little. But I am forced to study business for least least the next 4 years. Also, I have a small tech firm that develops websites for businesses. I own the forum "sociopath community" too, and am the creator. I spend a lot of time at my computer either doing online college classes, or programming websites for clients. As a result, I spend a lot of time here. I really love biology. I love all science really. I love understanding the universe, and the how everything came to be. Life is probably the most fascinating and complex thing this universe has produced (that I know of), and I feel a bit of sadness knowing that the path my life is on is not the path of science. I'm very happy with my tech firm, I believe I can change the world one day with it, but that doesn't change the fact that I wish I could also be doing some real science. This is how I got the idea to do an experiment. I could keep a close eye on my experiment, and whenever I had some free time, I could work on it, observe results, and try to encourage the organism to involve in such aw ay as to adapt properties that are useful and cool. There is no way I can find a lab or something. This all being said, I will certainly do very careful research and create a thorough plan before I take any steps. I'd be happy and even thankful to share this plan with you guys, and listen to any advice and caution. I certainly do not want to risk my health, or the health of my family. There must be a way that I can introduce a small amount of mutagen to my culture without hurting myself. There also must be an organism that I can use that won't start taking over my room, or cause any damages. Slime mold is okay, isn't it? One option I could do perhaps is to build one of those little air-tight boxes with gloves built in so that I can manipulate stuff. I'm really excited just thinking about it! I have a lot more research to do, and I'm sure a lot more questions to ask before I even consider beginning on such a project.
  2. What about slime mold? I'm a bit worried about fruit flies because I don't think my parents would appreciate me breeding flies in their house this looks kinda interesting though: it's slime mold http://www.carolina.com/teacher-resources/Interactive/exploring-the-mysteries-of-slime-molds/tr10721.tr?coId=10850&mCat=&trail=4004:College:4008:Life%20Science
  3. Thanks for your concern. It's certainly not set in stone that I need to use a bacteria. Honestly, I feel like the best thing I could use would be a virus. They can replicate fastest, and they are made up of DNA, so I don't see why they can't evolve. But virus are likely too small, and I'm sure they might even be dangerous! I'm not against going with plants. I like plants, and I would be happy to grow some in my room. I just worry plants might take too long to produce measurable results. Another option could be some sort of small fishy. I wouldn't mind getting an aquarium! Thanks by the way, I'll read that paper.
  4. Robitty, I'd like to only cause the organisms to mutate a bit, and I don't necessarily need to use radiation. It can be any mutagen. The mutagen will just stimulate the mutation process, hopefully allowing the organism to evolve and adapt faster to it's environment by increasing the likelihood of a good mutation occurring.
  5. Thanks guys. Hmm, so the objective of this experiment is to attempt to steer the organism's evolution by stressing it in very specific ways. I haven't yet decided how I might steer it's direction. I will need to do a lot of research about the organism I plan to use (not yet decided, suggestions please!), and then consider some ways in which this organism might be useful to society. So, for example, if I could stress the organism into mutating in such a way that it produces more oxygen, or perhaps I could try to make it evolutionarily beneficial for a plant to glow, and so perhaps over generations I could grow an increasingly bright culture. I'm sure there are a lot of applications for this. DNA is amazing. It's a great programming language, and I'm a web programmer. Just as random circumstances shaped all the varieties of life we see around us, I see no reason why evolution cannot be steered by dictating the environment of the organism. In this way, we can use DNA to solve problems that yet need solving. As a web programmer, I spend a lot of time in my room, and I am a huge fan of science. My family makes me study business, but some day I will get a degree in biology, or perhaps microbiology, or nanotechnology. Anyway, with all this time I spend in my room, I think I could find great enjoyment in these experiments. The challenge is finding an organism which can reproduce fast enough to produce measurable results.
  6. I'd like to perform this experiment in my room, so I'd have to pick something that doesn't smell badly, and certainly I don't want to risk like harming my room. Could you guys please offer some suggestions on bacteria or cyanobacteria they don't take over my bedroom and make me sick, yet still reproduces quickly enough that I can see measurable results within the timespan of say.. 5 months to a year?
  7. Hi everyone, I'd like to do an experiment. I will have 2 groups of organisms. The first will be subjected to small amounts of radiation. The other will be the control. I will then introduce both groups to circumstances that would stress them in the hopes of creating an opportunity for a good mutation to produce offspring that are better equipped for the stressful environment. I hypothesize that the group exposed to radiation will suffer population losses initially, but then enjoy a greater flexibility in handling it's stressful environment due to the increased likelihood of a mutation that might help the organism ot better adapt. I was wondering if you guys could suggest an organism that I might use for this experiment? I'm 18, and doing this mostly out of curiosity. My budget is perhaps 500 dollars. Plants are prefered! Also, do you guys think this might even have a possibility of success?
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