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Posts posted by casrip1@gmx.com

  1. ok so this concept's been screwing with my mind so much... i get that if there's no bank then a = v^2/r. so we take the object's velocity, and the radius of the curvature and we can find acceleration. but when its banked, the whole friction and the normal etc BS comes into play and it throws me off... could someone please explain to me what forces we have to consider to find out centripetal acceleration and centripetal force on banked curves?


    please refrain from using equations, instead talk about the actual force you're talking about (i.e. the horizontal component of normal instead of n*cos(theta) or w/e). it makes it easier for me to understand the whole reason why i i'm having issues understanding from my book is they break everything down into equations and then just mish mash them together to come up with a final equation. the problem with that is i don't get the concept of what forces were involved and how they arrived at that equation.


    PS: is the normal force on a banked curve greater than the force of gravity? or am i looking at it wrong

  2. ok, so i get that net force is calculated as m*a, but what about the actual force of the object would exert and not just the net force?


    for example, a 50kg mass is dropped from a 45m height with v1 = 0. how much force would it exert on the ground when it hits? surely not 450N (rounding gravity to 10 m/s^2 for simplifying calculations) because that would mean doesn't matter whether the object is dropped from 1m 10m 50m or 100m it would hit with the force of 450N, which doesn't make sense (if you drop a hammer on your foot from a couple centimeters it doesn't hurt nearly as much as if you dropped it from say, 1 meter). so how would you calculate the amount of force an object would exert on impact given mass and acceleration, or velocity right before crashing

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