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Posts posted by SamWalker

  1. but they must be made out of something u know, they cant just be there. I dont really understand how it can just be there and made of nothing else.


    Firstly what we thought of atoms, just to be there and made up of nothing smaller, that is what we are now thinking about these small particles neutrinos quarks gluons and others??

    It is quite simple. I figured it out and named it "The Sam Walker Paradox". Since no number can be divided by 2 to equal zero, we can conclude that matter will not cease to exist by subdivision. Ergo, For every small there is a smaller. All matter is also a part of something larger. The cosmos is stratafied in a never ending order of magnitude. Our reality is one of many strata.


    And, by the way, ZENO'S PARADOX is nonsense, the man is an idiot. One fundamental flaw is that there is no corresponding decrease in the size of the observer.

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