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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Aging is caused by a combination of different reasons. The one that I mentioned was just on of them. There was a show on BBC a while ago dealing with this issue. I think it was called "Explorations" or something.
  2. Aging is caused by a combination of different reasons. The one that I mentioned was just on of them. There was a show on BBC a while ago dealing with this issue. I think it was called "Explorations" or something.
  3. Hell, how much anti-presperant do you have to put on to cause death. Sound like he was practically bathing in it.
  4. I know Russian, Ukrainian, and English. Learned French in school, but forgot most of it. It is hard to learn how to write in Russian due to all of the strange letters not normally found in the English language like ь (myagkiy znak) and ы (tverdiy znak).
  5. Yep, with time oxygen begins to destroy body cells. The reason why some animals do not show signs of aging as they get older is due to antioxidants in their bodies. Taking antioxident pills seems to be the new fad for staying young, although their effects on humans have not been proven yet.
  6. It all depends on the situation. For example, if a person has cancer and knows that they are going to die, PAS should be permitted. It is the individual's choice whether they want to continue living, and that choice should be respected. In an another instance, say a person is depressed and doesn't want to live anymore, the physician should provide some guidance and possibly refer the patient to a psychiatrist. PAS should not be an option because the patient might get out of the depression and change their mind. PAS is morally acceptable when the patient requesting it is going to die in the near future from an illness, but should not be performed when the patient is only suffering from psychological problems (depression, etc...).
  7. Don't worry so much about marks. So what if you did poorly on one test. Its not the end of the world. Just study really hard for the next test and try to improve your average. Don't let little things get you down.
  8. By creating more "order", for example constructing a building, we are actually increasing the net entropy of the universe. The process of erecting the builing with the use of people and machines creates a huge amount of disorder in the environment. For example, cellular respiration used to acquire energy for builiding releases heat into the air. This causes more disorder, and therefore increases entropy. The net entropy of a process is always positive.
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