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Posts posted by Preserve

  1. I read somewhere that we can see galaxies that are farther away than what the age of the universe is and they say that this is because the universe is expanding. I'm still a bit unclear on how an expanding universe can do this. So if anyone can clarify is this is true or not. This then led to me to believe that the fact that the universe expands has an effect on the speed of light. The speed of light should be faster in the direction that the universe expands and it should be slower in the direction against the speed of light.

  2. i have always seen ethics, morality, and environmental concerns as a hindrance to human development

    many of the great discoveries, and advances were made by "unethical" means

    nuclear power, vaccination, space flight (the Russian space program was fun), rockets, supersonic flight, most of early medicine, and gunpowder to name a few

    "ethical" methods have given us many things as well, but most of those things were funded because they would lead to better ways to kill the guy next to us


    also ethics prevents us from producing "what has science done!!" type experiments in the name of curiosity and we learn far more from our failures then we do from success(as long as your failure did not result in a crater the size of a small lake, then other people learn from your failure)


    (fun fact, the first people in space, possibly, are still up there, but that's a conspiracy theory that Russia successfully got people into space but didn't exactly work out how to get them back initially...)


    so i want to see a discussion of this (i will try to stay out of the discussion as much as possible)


    *please do not criticize my examples, they are not 100% accurate, and based on my own opinion

    Just because many advances have been made by unethical means, that doesn't mean ethics is a hindrance. Who's to say those same advances can't be made by ethical means as well?

  3. Anything by Jiddu Krishnamurti like Freedom From the Known, Education and the Significance of Life, On Love and Loneliness, and Think on These Things. Also Strength to Love by Martin Luther King, Aristotle for Everybody:Difficult Thought Made easy and Ten Philosophical mistakes just to name a few.

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