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Posts posted by efus

  1. I am stuck on this:


    Determine whether f: [math]\mathbb{Z} [/math] [math]\times[/math] [math]\mathbb{Z} [/math] [math]\rightarrow \mathbb{Z}[/math] is one if [math]f(m,n) = m^{2}-4[/math]


    it would be graet if anyone could give me a push in the right direction.



    I think I found the answer.

    This is not a Relations question

    [math]\mathbb{Z} [/math] [math]\times[/math] [math]\mathbb{Z} [/math] [math]\rightarrow \mathbb{Z}[/math] is a binary operator (+)

    So the answer is "no". Right?

  2. Hi,

    I need to make a big-theta notation on an algoritm I made. The algoritm is soposed to find factors of a number. This is the algoritm implemented in java:

    public class factor {
    public static void main (String argv[]) 
    	int number =(Integer.parseInt(argv[0]));
    	int counter = 0;
    	for(counter = 1 ; counter <= number/2 ; counter++)
    		if(number % counter == 0)System.out.println(counter);

    I figured the theta notation to this is: O(N)


    The problem is now that i need to express big theta as a function of of the length of N (the number

    of bits in N). I have no idea what I am supposed to do here? I would greatly appreciate if anyone could help.[/code]

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