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Everything posted by efus

  1. I am stuck on this: Determine whether f: [math]\mathbb{Z} [/math] [math]\times[/math] [math]\mathbb{Z} [/math] [math]\rightarrow \mathbb{Z}[/math] is one if [math]f(m,n) = m^{2}-4[/math] it would be graet if anyone could give me a push in the right direction. [EDIT] I think I found the answer. This is not a Relations question [math]\mathbb{Z} [/math] [math]\times[/math] [math]\mathbb{Z} [/math] [math]\rightarrow \mathbb{Z}[/math] is a binary operator (+) So the answer is "no". Right?
  2. Any restrictions on how it can move trough the array? otherwise you could just go straight trough the array and check if the room is dirty or not.
  3. Thank you! I get it now. You have been a great help
  4. Hi, I need to make a big-theta notation on an algoritm I made. The algoritm is soposed to find factors of a number. This is the algoritm implemented in java: public class factor { public static void main (String argv[]) { int number =(Integer.parseInt(argv[0])); int counter = 0; for(counter = 1 ; counter <= number/2 ; counter++) { if(number % counter == 0)System.out.println(counter); } System.out.println(number); } } I figured the theta notation to this is: O(N) The problem is now that i need to express big theta as a function of of the length of N (the number of bits in N). I have no idea what I am supposed to do here? I would greatly appreciate if anyone could help.[/code]
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