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Everything posted by doman1991

  1. I have dejavu a lot and I mean sence I was little and it used to scare the shit out of me then. I remember I had a nightmare that haunted me till I was about 12-13.. at that age I realized it was a nightmare BC I wasn't sleeping..I was awake it it was actually feelings my brain was putting images to that made no sence and it scared me I didn't get them for a very long time but just normal dejavu was always in my life..Then I had a traumatic experience when I was in jail for 8 months. That's when I realized dejavu and the "nightmares" when I was awake started happening constantly throughout my time and other mental break downs way beyond that.But it makes me want to ask you are you sure its from a dream and not just a mental hickup of some sort that your brain can only recanize as from a dream or dream state of mind. Hell It could be just that other part of your brain that fired up and then stopped and your brain could only see it as something that happened before just like that. And you assume its from a dream or Somthing. But really its not wat you see or hear but its the feeling of dejavu that drives those connections and it maybe just or brains making our untaped part of our brain concus I'm trying to type on a phone and it sucks I think you see were I was going with that reply though
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