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  1. hi, I'm a total noob so excuse my stupid topic. Lately I've been wanting to go into engineering but I'm having a tough choice between Electrical and Computer engineering. I more or less understand that EE will deal with manipulation of electricity from large scale power to small circuits and even integrated circuitry in computers, phones, etc. I understand that a CpE will specialize with both computer hardware, software and how to perfectly integrate the two to work together. I've also done many searches on Google and job sites like monster.ca and workopolis (yes, I'm Canadian), so i have a fair understanding of the job opportunities available for an EE, but I haven't been able to narrow the scope for a CpE. Can anyone help me understand where CpE's work? What is the major differences between the two disciplines? Sorry if this topic has been discussed before, I didn't do a thorough search because my case didn't seem general enough.
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