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Arjun Artro

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Posts posted by Arjun Artro

  1. "Why" is not a question that lends itself well to testing, falsification, and potential dismissal. It is little more than interpretation. "How" is the more appropriate question in the domain of science, IMO.


    We don't yet fully understand the earliest times. The question of what came "before" the big bang doesn't even make sense since time itself seems to have begun there. There are ideas that the universe doesn't have a beginning or an end and is just continuous. There are ideas that there are multiple verses and our own universe began when two of them bounced against one another. There are many great ideas out there. I suspect the truth is some combination of them somewhere in the middle.


    The god concept, however, is not a factor for me at all. It merely distracts us from the pursuit of real truths. It also merely displaces the question... If god created then universe, then what created god, and what created that, and what created that ad infinitum.


    Okay, equations may tell us that time started with the big bang. But , it's only true when we think of time with respect to all the "happenings" following big bang. and most importantly what triggered the big bang?

  2. But there should be some scientifically known facts and theories right.. ? Isn't there any way we can find what existed before the big bang, if there was any.


    We don't know. Science is never afraid of the we don't know answer.


    As for what space is then an acceptable reply would probably be, a framework composing 3 dimensions. Humans and our language isn't well equipped for these concepts.


    I agree. But why? Maybe the most difficult question science faces is just the word "why".

    But there's one thing we should remind ourselves. Maybe 5-6 hundred years ago, we didn't have any idea about antimatter,black holes and all that stuff... But we do know something now..

  3. once we have a steady foothold in robotics and its most interesting chapter of nano-robotics, we could send spaceships of them to mars, and they could build a new home for us.

    the most interesting part is that they can be monitored and controlled from earth, and incoming radiation can be converted into "photoelectricity" to power themselves.


    A very good idea. But to build a robot which can build homes and all would not be a quick job. It won't be easy.

  4. Meditation is the key. It has been proven that meditation can lower heart rates to dangerously low levels in extreme cases. To increase heart beat, all that is needed is a shot of adrenaline. You can think do it by thinking of something that can do the job for you.

  5. If space-time is 4 dimensional,(x,y,z,t),and if the speed of light is constant,if light travels across 3 dimensional space at C then it cannot travel along the 4th dimension T=0.

    However if it has zero velocity in 3 dimensional space,and the speed of light is constant then it must be travelling along the T axis at the speed of light T=C.



    From my knowledge, light cannot exist with zero velocity. But yes, it has to come down to zero velocity inside a black hole. Or what will happen to all the beams of light that get sucked inside a black hole? So which one would be true?


    Inside a black hole, if there's no time, then light can travel only in 3 dimensions.That means, movement with no time running. Is that possible?

  6. If the speed of light is constant,and light cannot escape from a black hole,then inside the black hole t=c?



    can you explain?


    If the speed of light is constant,and light cannot escape from a black hole,then inside the black hole t=c?



    can you explain?

  7. First of all, you need to know what makes mass. It has been proposed that Higgs -Boson(the so called God particle) is responsible for giving mass to any object. And gravity is thought to be a force that is made by the interaction of gravitons.

    Although these particles are not identified experimentally, recently there were experiment data from CERN giving heavy clues to the existence of Higgs Bosons.

    You can find more about Gravitons and Higgs Bosons in Wikipedia.

  8. If light travels at the speed of light across 3 dimensional space,and does not travel forward in time.The event horizon of the black hole is the point where light has stopped travelling across 3 dimensional space and is travelling forward in time with the mass of the black hole.


    But for light, and inside a black hole, there exist no time. Isn't that right?

  9. I recently saw 'Stephen Hawking special- Did God create the universe? ' , a program in the Discovery channel. The great mind concluded that he believes there's no god, and before the big bang, there was no space or time to begin any creation. And that everything was made from "nothing".

    So i was thinking, okay, there may not be a God, but what was this "nothing"? If the Big Bang started from an atom sized thing, how did it appear in the first place? If space is not "nothing", then what is it?

    For those who want to watch the program, search the title in youtube.

    Thanks in advance

  10. The usual Newtonian expression [math]F = -\frac{GMm}{r^2}[/math] is a non-relativistic expression valid for massive particles, but not for massless particles as photons. In reality gravity acts between anything with a nonzero energy-momentum. Light (i.e., photons) is affected by gravity because has a nonzero energy-momentum. No, light does not break "its own top speed".

    Thank you . But i have this doubt . Anything that is pulled by gravity gets accelerated. And for different masses, there are different constant values of acceleration by which all objects, regardless of their mass gets accelerated. So wouldn't light too? I know the answer might be no coz . .there's no proof to prove otherwise. But i want to know why it doesn't.

  11. If gravity is a force acting between anything that has mass, why does gravity from black holes pull in light (photons) which have no mass at all? And even if we consider light as a particle and not a wave, any particle with a finite mass needs infinite energy to accelerate to light speed. And one more thing. If gravity can pull in light, what happens to a beam of light coming towards a black hole? Would it accelerate due to gravity? And would light break its own top speed?

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