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Profile Information

  • Location
    saint louis MO
  • Interests
  • College Major/Degree
    Freshman=9th grade
  • Favorite Area of Science
    hoping it will be 2nd semester so I can start chemistry
  • Biography
    What the hell is algerbra good for?
  • Occupation
    Soon to be Mc Donalds


  • Lepton

sodium's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. I'am sorry we dont know what a white powder is. I think there are around a billion white powders in the world so please dont be rude because we dont know what it is. Why don't you ask you friend what it is because after all he did give it to you.
  2. Last week i was interested in how a INSTANT cold pack works. So I opened the pack up and the ammonia nitrate was wet but not cold. Maybe the gel water pack leaked some time ago and the ammonia nitrate got cold but it only stayed cold for a certain amount of time(about a month)? And then when i opened it up it was dead like a battery with no power? So if I were to dry out the ammonia nitrate and put it in a zip lock bag and then pour water in it would it get cold? Or has it lost it's power like a battery? I think it is ammonia nitrate because i remember hearing somewhere that it gets cold with water.
  3. YT2095 it shouldn`t produce Any fumes at all? I thought it would fume for some reason, but it didn't and know I know why. I am new to chemistry and all this test tube thingies and the measurments. I cant wait till I have my first chemistry class next semester. And no I am not making AP. I have so little knowledge in chemistry I would probaly kill myself.
  4. thank you. but if I keep it in a closed container will it still be alright the next day to eat the food i had in my freezer?
  5. I put some hydrogen peroxide in a container in my kitchen freezer to get more pure h2o2. And without thinking if the gases are harmful . Someone please tell if the it is ok.
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