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Posts posted by cubexican

  1. As part of a larger problem I need to find the definite integral from -4 to 0 of the function sqrt(16-x^2). I know that I'm overlooking something simple here because I've done harder problems without this much difficulty.

    I've tried to solve it by substitution by letting u= 16-x^2

    then du=-2xdx



    and from there I don't know how to manipulate the function to substitute the -1/2du. I think that simplifying the function is probably the way to go, but I don't see how to go about it.


    Thanks in advance.

  2. If someone was to take all the human intestines (large and small) in the world, strech them and attach them together they would reach the moon and back to form a loop.


    That's just ridiculous. If you try to calculate the amount of space that the intestines would take up if they were compressed into something (say a human body), it would be larger than the human itself. I've read in textbooks that it's 25 ft combined.

  3. It's the same out here in IL. What I'm doing this summer is taking next year's math course this summer at a community college. Since math is a year long course the class is about 4 hours long and about 3 or 4 days per week. I have to take it at a college because my high school only offers semester classes over the summer.

  4. So your concern is not the life of the unborn, but the way in which it came about? I understand that it might be more justifiable, but the result is the same.


    I am still disturbed by the fact that the child would indeed be dying, but in the case of rape abortion is for the sake of the mother.

  5. When one has sex willingly they are accepting the possibility that she can become impregnated. In the case of rape that person has been traumatized and was violated. That person shouldn't have to go through carrying a child in her body for 9 months and then going through the pain of birth to a child. A child that is the everlasting memory of the night she was violated. In the case of rape and incest I'm pro-choice, otherwise no.


    How about the difference between an egg fertilized yesterday. If you were to drop a dish with 100 fertilized eggs, I doubt you would feel as bad as if you accidentally killed 100 kids.


    In both cases 100 lives were taken, but a person would react more intensely if the egg was more developed and more human-like. That is psychological.

  6. I would like for people to be responsible enough to use birth-control to avoid pregnancies, and should it fail where a pregnancy is not desired, seek an abortion as early as possible and only as an absolute last resort. Asking people to be responsible however is probably asking too much.



    Even in the case of failed birth control I still believe that the impregnated woman should not have an abortion. She made the choice to have sex, protected or unprotected. On all forms of birth control they clearly state that it is not 100% effective.

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