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Everything posted by profJoe

  1. Money, they say, is the vehicle of the Gospel. Yet, it is the root of all evil. Health, they say, is better than wealth. Yet, health without wealth is miserable. Heaven, they say, is a home full of joy. Yet, nobody is ready to die but we want to go there. A lovely prayer for my enemies, I hope they Rest In Peace. Sure, they will never say amen. Achievement, they say, is admired by all. Yet, the greather your achievement the more demanding your responsibilities. The patient dog, they say, eat...

  2. Beware of the negative effect of inbreeding when you marry your cousin. Inbreeding could promote genetic diseases. It tends to increase homozygousity, and diseases carrying reccessive genes tend to express themselves more. Remember the lineage of Queen of England that suffered from Hemophilia. Other genetic disorders such as Down's Syndrome, Turner's Syndrome could spring up.
  3. i am sure this could be a photoshop. An incident happened few weeks ago when a woman was reported to give birth to a monkey in a nearby hospital. The only answer I have to this is metaphysical not genetically proven. What do you have to say about this?
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