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Everything posted by Linker

  1. Hi, I am developing a new quantum gravity theory. The concept of the theory sounds simple, but in reality, this theory is not so simple. Here, the main ideas of the theory: - No extra dimensions, no spin foam - The Klein-Gordon-Lagrangian looks similar to the Lagrangian of General Relativity (GR), because the maximum derivative is twice and both Lagrangians containing inner product of metric tensor with another tensor expression - To fit KG-Lagrangian on GR-Lagrangian, the scalar field in KG-Lagrangian is not only a simple complex number; it is a more complicated algebraic object similar to matrices - I'm using Feynman's path integral quantization with the following treatment of algebraic scalar fields: Instead of integration over all possible values of the field, integrations/summations are performed over all possible algebraic structurizings and the values, that are invariant on algebraic structure modification - All geometric quantities like volume element or metric can be expressed completely in dependence on the algebraic scalar field - For the classical limit, the KG-Lagrangian in Feynman path integral can be transformed into the GR-Lagrangian What are you think about this theory?
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