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  1. Revisiting the hand warmer idea…what is the purpose of the little metal disk? How would one simulate the reaction caused by “clicking” it (or where would on obtain a similar metal disk?). Steve.
  2. I think using the alu is getting a bit too complicated. I want to keep this as simple and practical as possible. So, any crafty ideas on obtaining magnesium powder?
  3. Thanks for the info. Boris. For the purposes of my experiment I'm not certain that Iron Oxide will work!? If I understand the reaction correctly, once the water is added it triggers the accelerated oxidation of both the magnesium and the iron powder (causing heat) according to YT2095's post the salt acts as the ion carrier for the reation. If the iron is already oxidised (sp?) then only the magnesium (or aluminum) would react (if at all) and may not cause the desired reaction. I'm still not clear on whether aluminum would work in lieu of the magnesium??
  4. Is there another metal I could use instead of the magnesium? I have seen quite a few thermite related posts indicating aluminum (although I think magnesium is also required?!). Is it oxidation we're after? If so how do you think the aluminum would peform?? I'm not sure where I can get magnesium powder here (I'm in Canada). Any ideas?? Thanks, Steve.
  5. Thanks so much YT! I guess I could try several variations until I get the desired effect. I'll post the results! Steve.
  6. Hi all. First let me say that I am new to Chemistry and after viewing the fountains of knowledge on the subject I have ultimate faith that someone will be able to help me. I have recently seen these "Flameless Heaters" used by Military and the like to heat their MRE's. According to what research I have been able to do, the pads used Iron Powder, Magnesium, Salt and Water. Apparently they will heat up to 220 degrees! I have an idea for an emergency heater using the same principal. My question is this: What amounts of each of these materials (more specifically what ratios) would you anticipate I would need to used to cause the desired reaction? Thanks so much, I look forward to all posts! Steve.
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